Library Happenings 2024

Check out what we've been up to!

April: Taylor Swift or Famous Poet?

April was National Poetry Month and the middle and high school celebrated in many different ways, but the library display had a "Poetry Tour." Taylor Swift or famous poet? Students (and staff) could send in their answers if the line was a from a famous poet or Taylor Swift. 

We had two winners who received a book and coffee gift card. 

April: Spring Book Fair 2024

The Spring Book Fair was held April 22nd-26th. It's an event the students (and staff) are always excited about. This year Crest Bank of Wildwood donated money to allow every pre-K-5th grade student to select a book and also treated some teacher's to books on their wish list. 

In addition, many staff members from Crest Bank volunteered their time to help students shop and create a wish list. Thank you to all who helped make it possible that every single student got to take home a book!

We are so grateful to have such a wonderful community here in Wildwood. All the money raised goes right back to buying new books for the Glenwood elementary school library. How great is that?!

March Madness...

better yet, Character Madness. 

Students and teachers voted from sixteen characters to their favorite one overall. Students discussed the books and characters and why they liked one more. 

The winner this year... Piggie and Gerald!

March: Read Across America Bookmark Contest 2024

This year we held our first Read Across America bookmark contest. All students pre-K to 5th grade designed a bookmark of their choice. There were 2-3 winners per grade level selected. The winning bookmarks will be displayed in the library and given out as a bookmark for the entire student population to use. 

March: Read Across America Poster Decorating "Celebrate Diversity"

This year we held our first Read Across America poster decorating contest, themed, CELEBRATE DIVERSITY. All classes pre-K to 5th grade designed a poster that was displayed outside their classroom. Check out all of the amazing designs the classes came up with! Congratulations to 5th grade, Ms. N. Santiago's class for winning overall.

March: Read Across America 

Read Across America was held March 4th - 8th. It was a week filled with learning, laughter and a whole lot of reading! The focus this year was to "Celebrate Diversity." Each class read the book A Crown for Corina, which followed the theme to create and celebrate a nation of diverse readers.   Classes participated in a poster contest to represent what it meant to celebrate diversity. In art class students continued to celebrate diversirty by making a crown, like Corina, but it represented each student individually. In p.e. students completed a story walk. In STEM students researched more about the diverse women who are changing our world. 

Students had a week long spirit week, bookmark contest, I got caught reading activity, library scavenger hunt, DEAR time, a book tasting and of course, guest readers! 

We were so lucky to have so many amazing volunteers come in throughout the week to our students. Our local police department, fire department, board of ed members, district staff, teachers, business owners, Crest Bank staff,  and other community members. All of these members of our community truly help form those life-long learners. 

Click for a mini recap of our week long celebration.

Library Happenings

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