About STEM League

The Westwood STEM League is a competitive team that participates in North NJ Interscholastic STEM League events. It provides students a cross-curricular opportunity to competitively and practically apply science, mathematics, and engineering skills in real-world challenges in events with other students in the region. In each design challenge, students work collaboratively to research, design, build, and present their final solutions to a panel of judges. For each competition, judges from engineering and design professions judge student work and provide input, allowing them to learn directly from those in the field.

national honor society credit requirements

In order for you to receive any signature for any National Honor Society credit, you must have the following criteria completed for Mr. Tresvalles to sign off.

1. Must be a member of STEM League in good standing for at least one full year. (Signatures for NHS credit hours will be given at the end of that year, or the following year when needed)

2. At least 85% attendance to all meetings in a school year no matter how long or short the meeting may be. (Quickly checking in and leaving the meeting will not be counted)

3. Must have competed in at least one STEM League event at another school.

4. Student has helped volunteer for at least half of the time at our annual fundraiser event or more.

5. Student has helped assist with the creation, setup, and running of a host event at our own school.