Grading Policy

Mrs. Jones

Grading Policy

English Language Arts 7A

1. Grades will be cumulative using the total points system.  To see what every assignment is worth, please see assignments documented on Genesis and/or the rubric assigned to the assignment.

2. Assignment categories are as followed and given a point value based on an overall analysis of the assignment by the teacher:



-Class Participation (engagement in the lesson, behavior, and being prepared for class is included in this assessment)

3. All work is penalized if it is late, unless the absence is excused.  Every day an assignment is late, it gets marked down approximately a letter grade.  (Teacher discretion is always considered.)

4. Plagiarism, copying, and/or cheating is not acceptable in any measure and will result in a zero. You are responsible to review the Westwood Regional Middle School Handbook in regard to these topics and adhere to the rules.

5. There is no extra credit given in this class.  Writing contest may be the only consideration upon an opportunity approved by the teacher.