Ms. Gilbert

CPE Chemistry

Chemistry Students for 2024-2025.

Please get a simple scientific calculator (i.e. TI-34X or equivalent; it must be able to do log functions)

Also, stock up on pens, colored pencils, normal pencils, loose leaf paper, and a binder.

Updated Policy: If you are unprepared for lab, you automatically lose 10% on that lab if it's graded.

Check the newsletter on your website page. Every week. There is a participation assignment that goes with each.

What to bring to class every day:

I will do my best to keep this site up to date. If you have questions, please email me.

I will give you a hard copy of the lab safety contract your first day of class, but you can also find it in the class resources folder.

Contact Information:

Extra help is on a first come, first serve basis. If multiple people show up, I will attempt to balance things. I'm usually in room 106. If you don't ind me there, check 104.

I'm typically available b/t 7:40-7:53-ish each morning, after school until 3:00 pm. Ms. McKaba teaches Honors Chemistry and AP Chemistry, so you should also feel free to ask her questions. She has also taught CPE chem in the past.

Mr. McQuade teaches CP Chem and Honors chem and has taught CPE, so you can also ask him questions.

(Note: "By appointment" means, if possible, please let me know you want to come so I can make sure I'm there for you. Otherwise, I may be making photocopies, running other errands, or trying to reach my mailbox.)

Google Classroom Codes: (may not be necessary this year)

Pd 2 CPE Chem - sq6hvjt  
Pd 7 CPE Chem - j6bffo4  
Pd 8 CPE-ICR Chem - id7ric2
Pd 9 CPE Chem - iliwsok 

Mr. O'Connor will be part of pd 2 in the 2024-2025 year. 

24-25 Who is Miss Gilbert
Copy of O'Connor Intro Slide

Link to my slide show in case it doesn't show up for u.

Frequently Asked Questions (and random Questions):
2024-2025 edition. If you have new ques, I'd be happy to update in September.

Questions from 22-23

Have you made $ off of your books?

Short answer: Yes.  

Slightly longer answer:  Writing for Vella (one of Amazon's new-ish writing platforms) has been very good for me. 

What do you do for fun/ in free time?

Read. Write. Take walks. Listen to audiobooks. Do 1000-piece puzzles.

Have you watched Breaking Bad?

Yes. I have seen about 8 episodes. It was okay. I appreciate that it has generated some interest in Chemistry. It's not exactly a paragon of truth about the subject (or chem teachers) though.

Where are you from?

I was born in S. Korea, raised in central NJ.

Favorite food?

Spaghetti with meat sauce.

Favorite show/genre?

Favorite show changes. I enjoyed Criminal Minds.

For reading or writing, I am a little all over the place: scifi, fantasy, mystery, thriller. Mostly YA stuff.

Favorite tea blend?

I can go either way on this.  I enjoy Stash peppermint, loose leaf peppermint, and some berry flavored teas. Lady Grey also tastes amazing, but I don't think it likes me. 

Do you like sports?

My interest in sports has waned over the years. I did play soccer and softball in high school, but my interests flipped to writing in college.

Why did you choose the hobbies you chose?/What got you into writing?

I believe the actual writing part started with a rebellion of sorts against literature classes and the need to deeply analyze everything, but it probably started way back with loving stories as a small child. It started with a love of reading and stories in general.

I set out to entertain myself. That's probably why I write in many genres --> I have an interest in many genres.

There are techniques that do come out while writing, but sometimes a green shirt is just a green shirt because that's what popped into the author's head.

Being around students is inspirational. Trials, Tribulations, and Trust Issues came from one of the weekly questions you'll see later in the year. (What superpower would you like to have?)

Recommended Study Tools

Okay, so I'm 100% biased on this, but I think these books will help you succeed in the class.

5 Steps to Surviving Chemistry:

I wrote this book with the Westwood Regional CPE curriculum in mind. This will have detailed explanations for every topic we will hit this year.

Note: You can ask for a hard copy of either book, and I will check my stock and order approrpriately.

5 Steps to School Success:

Short book about doing well in school and improving communications with teachers.

You are NOT obligated to buy these books. If you are assigned an excerpt, check the class resources folder. I will always provide whatever I'd like you to read from them. 

Email anytime. (