School Safety Teams

District Mission

The Westwood Regional School District’s School Safety Teams are committed to providing a caring, approachable, and safe environment for all students. The school safety team, comprised of administrators, faculty, parents, and students, establishes high expectations for behavior and respect for all students and staff. We believe that all students have the right to attend a school free of violence, intimidation, and abuse. We value diversity and encourage our students and staff to positively impact the well-being of others and contribute to a thriving school environment.

Westwood Regional JR./SR. High School

Frank Connelly: Principal

Michael Corso: Assistant Principal

Chris Mello: Assistant Principal

Margaret Montenare/Janice Dawer (Leave Replacement): Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist

Patricia Buckley: School Nurse

Teachers, parents and students

Westwood Regional Middle School

Shelley LaForgia: Principal

Kenneth Russo: Assistant Principal

Diane Carroll: Assistant Principal

Christie Androulakis: Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist

Jenny Sparno: Counselor

Deborah Penn: Nurse

Teachers and parents

Berkeley Elementary School

Michael Fiorello: Principal

Sandra Massaro: Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist

Susannah Petersen: Nurse

Stephanie Zottarelli: Speech Therapist

Teachers and parents

Brookside Elementary School

Tom Conroy: Principal

Sandra Massaro: Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist

Mary Ellen Bolton: Nurse

Marilena Damiani: Speech Therapist

Teacher and parents

George Elementary School

Victoria Hickey: Principal

Christina Santagato: Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist

Charlene Alessi: Nurse

Speech Therapist

Teachers and parents

Washington Elementary School

Melissa Palianto: Principal

Christina Santagato: Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist

Heidi Catalano: Nurse

Tara Bradshaw: Speech Therapist

Teachers and parents