AP Physics Info

AP Physics 2 @ Westwood

This year's exam is on Friday May 17th 2024, 12pm

The AP Physics 2 program began in 2015 - 2016 with the Fantastic Four, immediately after the testing phase of AP Physics 2 in 2014 - 2015. The program focuses on scientific analytical skills and an extremely diverse set of physics topics that enhance the understanding of physics and non-physics sciences. The program accepts students who have previously taken a Physics 1 course and can be considered to be a "continuation" of physics study. 

The program has seen explosive growth in recent years with a variety of students that focus on physics connected study as well as challenging themselves to develop critical thinking and analytical skills that enhance their education. 

The program typically consists of a mix of sophomores new to AP and some AP veteran seniors. AP scores and the population of each respective class are listed below. We commend the students at Westwood for having considerable growth in the short time that both the exam and the program has been around. We look forward to many more successful years of learning!  

AP Physics Exams

There are four AP Physics exams currently in circulation:

Westwood ONLY offers AP Physics 2

Algebra-based physics: AP Physics 1 & 2

The algebra-based physics courses typically align with non-physics majors such as exercise science, medical, pharmacy for example.  

These two exams typically correlate to the first and second semester of introductory algebra-based physics courses offered at the college level. 

Calculus-based physics: AP Physics C Mechanics and AP Physics C E&M

The calculus-based physics courses typically align with physics majors, physical science and engineering majors that make heavy use of calculus.

These two exams typically correlate to nearly three semesters worth of calculus based physics courses typically taken throughout the first and second year of physics and engineering courses. It is not uncommon for AP Physics C courses to focus on allowing students to take both exams in one year whereas 1 & 2 are nearly always taken in separate years.

Currently the only AP Physics class offered at Westwood is AP Physics 2. It is possible to take any of the exams without taking the class, but it is not recommended without proper training and extensive independent study. If you are interested in taking one of the AP exams outside of AP Physics 2, please consult Mr. Chen for advice.