Westwood Regional Middle  School

Welcome to Social Studies 8 - World History  

Mr. Delaney's Social Studies 8 Classes: 

 Welcome to the 8th grade at Westwood Regional Middle School.I am excited  to work with you and to get to know you.I am very excited for what the 2024-2025 school year will bring.Whatever challenges that come our way,we will face and deal with them together.I am always here to help and support both you and your families in any way that I can.

Let's begin our exciting adventure and journey together in Social Studies 8 - World History:

*My back to school night google slide show presentation for your child's Social Studies 8 - World History class will be linked below for you to read and look over if you can't make it to back to school night.

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT -  Tuesday 9/10/24

Thank you,

Mr. Delaney

(The link to Mr. Delaney's Back To School Night Slide Show is attached below.) 



Below are your google classroom codes for the following:

Your Social Studies 8 - World History Classes

*Please sign into each my Google Classroom before the start of school on .Please go to my school website to access the posted link to enter whichever class and google classroom of mine that you are in.

*On your schedule,Look for the name of the class, the teacher, the day of the week ,the period that the class meets, and the room number to find your class. 

Class Codes: Social Studies 8 - World History

Mr. Delaney- SS8 - World History - Period  1 -  bryro6h

Mr. Delaney- SS8 - World History - Period   2 - unopddd

Mr. Delaney- SS8 - World History - Period  4  - 17pwbkr

Mr. Delaney- SS8 - World History - Period   5 - egzf5jd

Mr. Delaney- SS8  - World History - Period  6 - 67lwxmo

Online World History Textbook:TCI

You just have to click on to TCI on your launch pad to get onto your online textbook.

2024 -2025 - New Westwood Regional Middle School Schedules:

Regular School Day:

Period 1 - 8:15 - 8:59 - 44 minutes

Period 2 - 9:01 - 9:44 - 43 minutes

Period 3 - 9:47 - 10:30- 43 minutes

Period 4 -10:33 - 11:16 - 43 minutes

Period 5 - 11:18 - 12:01 - 43 minutes

Period 6 -12:03 - 12:46 - 43 minutes

Period 7 - Lunch/ASL -12:49 - 1:32 - 43 minutes

Period 8 -1:35 - 2:18 - 43 minutes

Period 9 - 2:21 - 3:04 - 43 minutes

Delayed Opening Schedule:

Period 1 - 9:45 - 10:19 - 34 minutes

Period 2 - 10:21 - 10:54 - 33 minutes

Period 3 - 10:57 - 11:30 - 33 minutes

Period 4 -11:33 - 12:06 - 33 minutes

Period 5 - 12:08 -1 2:41 - 33 minutes

Period 6 -12:43 -1:16 - 33 minutes

Period 7 - Lunch /ASL- 1:19 - 1:52 - 33 minutes

Period 8 -1:55 - 2:28 - 33 minutes

Period 9 - 2:31 - 3:04 - 33 minutes

Early Dismissal Schedule:

Period 1 - 8:15 - 8:42 - 27 minutes

Period 2 - 8:45 - 9:11 - 26 minutes

Period 3 - 9:14 - 9:40 - 26 minutes

Period 4 - 9:43 - 10:09 - 26 minutes

Period 5 - 10:12 - 10:38 - 26 minutes

Period 6 -10:41-11:07 - 26 minutes

Period 7 -  ASL/Recess - 11:10 - 11:36 - 26 minutes

Period 8 -11:39 - 12:06 - 27 minutes

Period 9 - 12:09 -12:36 - 27 minutes

Hopefully, we will never need  to have classes on Zoom/google meet at all this school year or ever again.However, if we need to have a class on Zoom or Google Meet, I will give you the links when necessary.**If we are going remote for some reason, I will place the specific link for Zoom or Google Meet for our class on your google classroom.**

Here are also our back-up technology plans for the school year below: 

 1.) Video  Problems - If the video isn't working,I will turn off the video and we will go audio only for the lesson if you can hear me.I will direct you to google classroom as usual and we will go through the work that we are learning and working on.I will teach the lesson,explain the work you are completing for the day, and have you work on those assignments/ask questions through audio only.

2.) Audio Problems - If you can't hear me; I will use the chat feature, the  whiteboard feature,and share feature to teach the lesson.If I can't hear you or the sound is unclear when you are asking a question or participating,I will let you know and you can use the chat feature to ask questions and participate.I will then use the chat feature to communicate to you or to the whole class if necessary.

3.) Technical Difficulties -This will mean that there are so many technology issues/problems on my end or your end on a certain day that we can't be live on Zoom for our class period or for part of our class period.I will communicate the following to you; Due to technical difficulties,our class won't be live today or if there is a problem during class for the rest of the period.I will send you to our google classroom,have you complete whatever we are doing for that period such as classwork,homework, a worksheet, a project, and an essay/report during the period, and have you send the completed the work by the end of the class period to that weeks google classroom post.

4.) Google Meets - If Zoom isn't working at all,we will go to your Google Meet link which is located at the top of your google classroom class where your classroom code is located for your class.We will have class on google meets for that day.

2024/2025-Social Studies 8 -World History Curriculum Framework: 

1.)  Ancient Greece 

(September and October)

2.) Ancient Rome 

(October and November)

3.) Byzantine Empire(Eastern Roman Empire, Russian Empire, and the Turks Interact) (November and December)

 4.) European Middle Ages - The Formation of Western Europe 

(January )

5.) The Muslim World 


6.) Societies and Empires of Africa  (March)

7.) Empires in East Asia;ancient China(Tang and Song Dynasties),ancient Korea, and ancient Japan

(March and April)

8.) People and Empires in the Americas;North American Societies;Native Americans Mesoamerica;Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas  (May and June)

Social Studies 8 - World History Course:

Everything within the world history curriculum will be taught both chronologically and thematically.

The foundation of the course will be studying and researching the following;

The 8 features of civilization; government, religion, social class structure, job specialization, cities,writing, public works, and art and architecture will be used as the foundation and connection to ancient and present day civilizations.

ancient Greece

ancient Rome

the Byzantine Empire( Eastern Roman Empire)

the origins Russia( early Russian Empire) 

the European Middle Ages

the Muslim Civilization

Societies and Empires of Africa

Empires in East Asia;

ancient China

ancient Korea( Tang and Song Dynasty)

 ancient Japan

Peoples and Empires in the Americas;

Native Americans




Current events will be used to learn about present-day issues,events, and new discoveries going on in our country and world.Our world history course will constantly connect the past with the present.The focus of our 8th grade social studies world history course will also be on improving and working on the following skills;reading, writing, speaking,research, and technology skills.Each of these skills will be developed through creative projects,written essays/research papers, and presentations to name a few.Overall, the course will be taught with the goal of preparing each student not only for 8th grade but also for the rigors and challenges of a high school history class.

2024-2025-School Year:Westwood Middle School  

Mr. Delaney - Social Studies 8 - World History


Your child is enrolled in my social, studies 8 -World History 8 is both an interesting and challenging course for most students so it is important that you are aware of the course requirements so that we can work together to assure your child’s success in my class.

Student Google Classrooms:

Each of my social studies 8 -world history classes will have a separate google classroom .Your child’s social studies 8 or social studies  8 honors  google classroom is where both you and your child will find the following reminders; daily/weekly classwork, daily/weekly homework assignments, assessments;quizzes, study guides and tests,projects/essays will be located.Your child’s google classroom is also where both you and your child can check due dates, check if they handed in/attached daily activities,homework, assessments,projects, essays, and/or research papers.

Parent Google Classroom:

Each parent will be able to track and follow their students weekly classwork and weekly homework by looking at their parent google classroom. Although your child must give you access to my social studies 8 - world history google classroom so you always know what assignment is due and when an assignment is due. I created a parent google classroom for periods 1 and 6 and created a parent google classroom for periods 2,4, and 5.You simply have to know what period your child has me for class.Then, sign up for your parent google classroom so you know what your child is assigned and when the due dates to assignments are for my class.

Periods 1-Green Team and Period 6-Orange Team  

Period 2-Red Team, Period 4-Purple Team, and 

Period 5-Blue Team


Homework is assigned consistently each week.Your child will receive weekly homework and not daily homework every week which will be due at the end of the week on Friday.All homework will be found in the following places; on my school website, on your child’s google classroom, on your parent google classroom,and will be updated daily/weekly If your child is absent from class, your  child will be expected to complete any missing work within a week from they return to school unless other arrangements are made with me.


Doing well on assessments;quizzes and tests requires consistent studying. They key to best practices when it comes to studying is not just memorizing but understanding the material learned and making the connections.Quizzes are announced at the beginning of every week.Tests are announced approximately one to two weeks in advance.The amount of material presented in this course cannot be mastered in a single night; therefore, it is strongly recommended that students start studying well before the date of  a quiz or test.All students are expected to take every assessment given in class. Students with a documented absence must make arrangements with me to make up a missed assessment as soon as possible.After being absent, your child must make-up a missed  quiz or test within a week so they don’t fall to far behind.If any student fails to take a make-up  quiz or test within a week of being absent they will take or be given a zero  on that assessment.There are always exceptions that are made based on the individual situations.

Extra Credit:

There will be no extra credit assignments. However, there are times when students can earn  extra  credit  through their classroom participation ,on certain assessments, or on certain projects  over the course of the school year.

In School Extra Help:

If your child needs help in social studies 8-world history, all that they have to do is ask and set up an appointment with me. I am available for extra-help every day either during the Academic Support Lab during lunch every day, before school, or after school. The only day and time that I am not available for extra-help is on Monday after school because of faculty and departmental meetings.

Contacting me:

If you would like to discuss your child’s progress, you can reach me at eric.delaney@wwrsd.org. or at your parent online support.Either e-mail or your online parent support are the most reliable ways of reaching me.It typically allows for an immediate and thorough response to your inquiries. I will always respond in a timely matter because you are extremely important to me(within 24 to 48 hours). I will email you about the small issues and contact you by phone on the important issues. Please remember that it is very important for us to work as a team. I am here to help both you and your child in any way possible so that their school year is a positive one. As always, my goal is to help your child reach their academic potential so he or she can develop the skills necessary to succeed at the high school level next year.


Mr. Delaney

Teacher of Social Studies 

Social Studies 8 - World History

Westwood Regional Middle School 

Westwood Regional School District


Social Studies Grading Policy:

The 2024-2025 social studies department grading policy for the school year is as follows:

Each student’s marking period grade is based on and divided into three academic areas/assessments.

1.) Major Assessments: Unit tests, major projects, research papers, essays, and summative alternative assessments = 50% of the student’s grade

2.) Minor Assessments: Quizzes, Quests, minor alternative assessments, and minor projects = 30% of the student’s grade

3.) Supplemental Assessments: Class participation, homework, individual class work, group work, do now’s, reading checks, and opening/closure activities = 20% of the students grade.

Our Westwood Regional Middle School grading policy is as follows.Each student’s final grade for the year is based on/divided into four marking period grades. Each marking period is worth 25 % of the final grade. 

Process for Managing Students with Missing Work:


Examples of teacher level discipline issues:  Cheating/plagiarism, disobedience, disruption in class, missed teacher detention (one time), misuse of computers and/or network, tardiness to class, missed work, or unauthorized use of an electronic device.

Examples of administrator level discipline issues:  Assault, cutting class, direct insubordination, disruptive in hallway, dress code violation, fighting, inappropriate language, missed teacher detention, sexual harassment, smoking/vaping, vandalism, or possession/use of a weapon.

Important Websites and Links for Social Studies 8 -World History:

New resources may be added during the school:

1.) Facts on File.com

2.) ABClio.com

3.) Worldbook.com  

4.)Encyclopedia Britannica.com

5.) E-books

6.) Online World History Textbook; TCI

7.)Work Cited Page:How to create a correct a work cited page

2024-2025 - Homework: Social Studies 8 - World History

Homework: Social Studies 8 -World History Periods 1,2,4,5,and 6:

*Please send/attach all weekly classwork and weekly homework to each week's google classroom post called Weekly Assignments every Friday.

Week of 9/23/24-9/27/24

Weekly Classwork:

1.) Study guide on unit 6 

      lessons 17 and 18.

2.) Current Events

Due Friday 9/27/24

Weekly Homework:

1.) Study for your quiz 

     on unit 6 lessons 17 and 18.

     Your quiz on unit 6 lessons 17 

      and 18 will be this Friday 9/27/24.

Homework due next Wednesday 10/2/24.

1.) Your website notes on unit 6 lesson 19.

2.) Your Greek Mythology project.

Helpful Suggestions for My 8th Grade Students:

1.) Learn to be self-aware 

       (Understand yourself and know 

         what you like or dislike)

2.) Learn to understand your own 

       strengths and weaknesses 

3.) Keep an open mind,be flexible, 

       and understanding

4.) Never be afraid to make mistakes

5.) Always ask questions

6.) Be organized and prepared 

7.) Stay focused and on task

8.) Never put yourself down and never 

       put down others

9.) Ask for extra-help and never be 

       ashamed if you need help with anything

10.) Be helpful, have compassion, and 

          have empathy for others

11.) Value  yourself and others,realize you 

          are important,and that you matter

11.) Be patient with yourself and others

12.) Be positive and believe in yourself

13.) Be inclusive and supportive

14.) Be respectful and follow school 

         /classroom rules

15.) Be honest, work hard, and give 

          your best effort 

16.) Be self-reflective and thoughtful

Basic Strategies for Success in Social Studies 8 - World History:

Helpful Studying Strategies for Assessments;Quizzes/Tests:

1.) Always study and review the information being taught daily for 15 minutes or more

2.) Always  start to study and review for a quiz  at least three days in advance.

3.) Always start to study for a test  at least a week in advance.

4.) Always answer and complete the study guide for the test.

5.) Always use your website notes,my class notes, online textbook, and module/chapter study guide to prepare for a unit test.

Helpful Strategies for Completing Projects: 

1.) Always read,review, and go over the directions for a project 

2.) Always ask questions about the project assigned.

3.) Always start a project as soon as it is assigned.

4.) Always complete several rough drafts of the project before handing in the final copy.

5.) Always use three to five resources to complete a project.

6.) Always hand in your project on the day that the assignment is due.

Helpful Strategies for Completing Essays and Research Papers:

1.) Always read,review, and go over the directions for an essay,report,or research paper. 

2.) Always ask questions about the essay,report,and research paper assigned.

3.) Always start an essay,report, or research paper as soon as it is assigned.

4.) Always complete several rough drafts of the essay,report, and research paper before handing in the final copy.

5.) Always use three to five resources to complete your essay, report, or research paper.

6.) Always hand in your essay, report, or research paper on the day that the assignment is due.

Supply List: 

Grade 8 - Supply List

 2024-2025-Grade 8: Core Supply List


Supplies may need to be replenished/replaced throughout the school year.

For ALL classes:

Language Arts


 Social Studies*

*Most of Social Studies work is on your chromebook (Google Classroom)


World Language

Students may carry full-sized backpacks with them throughout the day. No wheeled backpacks, please.