Business Office

Westwood Regional School District

The Business Office manages the resources that support and produce a high quality education for the students of the Westwood Regional School District.  

These responsibilities include: accounting, purchasing, payroll, benefits, accounts payable, accounts receivable, budgeting, insurance, transportation, use of facilities, food services, and custodian of public records. 

For assistance or information, please contact the appropriate Business Office staff member below:

Keith A. Rosado

Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Barbara Ravennati

Assistant Business Administrator / Assistant Board Secretary

Business Office Staff

Debra Rein

Administrative Assistant to the Business Administrator 

Lynn Voss

Payroll/ Health Benefits Specialist

Barbara O'Brien

Assistant Budget/ Accounts Payable/Payroll Bookkeeper

Patricia Haas

Transportation/Use of Facilities/Accounts Receivable

Dawn Schwartz

Secretary - Business Office/Buildings and Grounds