Ms. McKaba

Teacher of Science

Instructor Contact Information:

Extra Help Schedule

Extra Help will most likely be in Room 104.

Tuesday - Friday          After School (until 3 pm)

Monday - Friday         Before School (beginning at about 7:40 am)

If any changes or cancellations occur, I will be sure to post it (likely on Google Classroom) so that it is known.

In addition, please let me know when you are planning to come to extra help!

Looking for course information on something?

AP Chemistry maybe? 

Possibly Honors Chemistry?

Maybe you need class resources (homework log, calendar, notes, etc)?

AP Chemistry

Honors Chemistry

Quote of the Month

The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth."

-Irving Langmuir

Fact of the Month

The pain we feel from the venom of wasps and bees is due to the enzymes in the venom breaking down our cells. 

Video of the Month

Confused about the new approach to science that has come about? Here is a web page that might be able to help with some things.