Educational Resources

WVW Middle School Band on Spotify

user: mschneiderwvw Find playlists that introduce you to music of various genres featuring your instrument.


Advance your musical understanding with music theory and ear training lessons, exercises and assessments.

Measures of Success Video Practice Buddy

Fundamental videos for beginners, or refreshers for more advanced students.

Finale Notepad

Free music notation software.


Philharmonia Orchestra Instrument Guides

Discover more about your instrument with the musicians of the Philharmonia Orchestra.

Metronome Online 

Access this free online metronome!


Google Translate 

Better understand musical words and phrases published in German and Italian.


Dallas Symphony Orchestra

Listen to music, play musical games and get practice tips.

Test your knowledge of music reading tailored to your instrument!


Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors Video Library

Jazz resource for listening, exploration and discovery.


Jazz Ambassadors Audio Library

Jazz resource for listening, exploration and discovery.