Student Testimonials

Chelsey Tien, Class of 2021

"Music has played a huge role in my life. I started my humble journey as a member of Treble Singers and am now a senior in Chamber. Throughout the years, I have been surrounded with people from diverse backgrounds and personalities, and have gained profound friendships each year. Besides choir, I am also privileged to be part of our school’s Peer Counseling team, and at the same time take part in the PLTW Biomedical Honors Program. However, having been in choir, I have learned some values that I have gained throughout the years such as being disciplined and organized in utilizing my time, building confidence in taking leadership, and being resilient. I learned to develop soft skills that I would never have learned through math, and science. Essentially, music has certainly shaped my life and made me the person I am today. Although the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly brought many challenges. But I am grateful in being part of a dynamic choir family who shares common goals, and passion for music of whom I enjoy being with. It enabled me to take moments away from the stress of school during the unprecedented circumstances that we live in at the moment.

Chelsey Tien

Chamber Singers" 

Tony Voss, Class of 2019

"Being in choir offered me a strong foundation of musical literacy and a proper understanding of the voice as a musical instrument. In the first years of my undergraduate, perusing a Bachelor of the arts at UCLA with an emphasis in musical theater, I found that the insight and skills I learned through the dreaded sight singing exercises actually placed me at the top of my peers when it came to music theory, comprehension, and the ability to sing right off the page. I am truly thankful for the time I spent in mens ensemble, learning to sing as a united group of vocalists with a vast repertoire, ranging from madrigals to The Beach Boys. Refined in the halls of the walnut high choir building was the basis for skills I use everyday as someone who has gone on to explore music as a major part of my career, and I would recommend considering the program as a high school home for anyone interested in understanding the beauty and power of vocal performance. 

Tony Voss

Men's Ensemble

Kaitlin Chheng, Class of 2022

I had no idea where to begin, much less what altos and sopranos were when I first walked into the choir room. Despite this new environment, I found that the learning process was made easy by welcoming students, a safe environment, and a fun, skilled choir director. When I look back at my high school experience, I know that I’ll remember choir the most; from the impromptu singing sessions, to working hard with my office board as choir president to lay down strong foundations for years to come. It was wonderful to have served and I’m confident that seeing the program continue to flourish afterwards will be even more rewarding. I am honored to have been a small part of a big-hearted program. I am so grateful and feel very lucky to have been a part of the Walnut High School Choirs, and I know that I couldn’t have asked for a more memorable high school choir experience.

Kaitlin Chheng

Chamber Singers, Rhapsody in Blue