Senior Year


Search the school you are interested in (Google: University + admissions + SAT or ACT)

Most schools will fall under one of the below.

Consider scholarships may ask for scores and SAT and ACT may also help you meet the pathway requirement in High School. 

Test Optional: 

Not mandatory to submit tests. Your academic record will be most important AND other high school accomplishments.

Test Flexible:

Schools may allow you to submit different standardized tests to support your applications

Test Blind:

You can submit your test scores but they will not be used in admissions decisions.

1. Decide if you need to take the SAT or ACT. If you are, register using the link below or ask in the counseling department if there will be a school day SAT offered.

2. Select and apply to colleges by their deadlines (one popular Washington school has a November 15th deadline) - Choose a REACH, MATCH and SAFETY school.

Utilize Xello or Big Future to narrow down your college search and see how you stack up

Google "University Name + Admissions" to find key dates and how to apply

Google "University Name + Scholarships" to make sure to apply to school specific scholarships 

To find out how the college credits you currently have will transfer google "University Name + transfer course equivalency guide"

3. Make sure to request letters of recommendation (give writers 2 weeks), complete your activity resumes, and have some practice or option essays written.

Letter of Recommendation 21-22
HS Student Activity Resume (1).pdf
WVHS College Career Guide

Personal Statement

4. Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid) - Opens October 1 (make sure you have an FSA id 3 days before)

Watch for info about a FAFSA night in October where you and your family can get support filling out the FAFSA


5. Research and apply for Scholarships. 


Make sure you apply for scholarships at ALL of the schools you apply to (Remember : Google "University name" scholarships)

Check out our scholarship page: West Valley Scholarship Page

If you are a College Bound scholar, as long as you meet requirements, filling out the FAFSA will make you eligible

Middle income students look into Washington Opportunity Scholarship:

Complete West Valley Dollars for Scholars application:

Do your own research! You know yourself best! 

Some Inspiration