2024-2025 WVHS Student Handbook

Dear Students & Families,

At West Valley High School, we focus on being kind, strong and committed to ALL students. We begin to do this by engaging students in uniquely designed lessons that focus on the learning needs of every student. As a staff, we are endless in our pursuit of building developed and meaningful relationships with our students.

Offering relevant and challenging courses that meet our students’ future goals is what we aspire for as a school community. We encourage every student to stretch themselves in the selection of their academic classes as well as choosing to become involved in our rich variety of athletics and school supported clubs and activities. It is our desire that every student graduates from WVHS with a college ready transcript. We strive to remove hurdles and provide every opportunity possible for students to experience success. Regardless of your interests, there is something for everyone at WVHS.

Ryan Mulvey, Principal

Kelsey Anderson, Assistant Principal

Tanner Stansbury, Dean of Students

Click the tabs below to jump to a section. 


Academic Awards

Students can earn awards for high academic achievement after they have completed a minimum of two semesters at West Valley High School. To qualify for an academic award, a student must meet the following criteria:

Academic Eligibility for Extra-Curricular Activities 

We believe that supplementing academics with activities enriches a student’s experience during high school and enhances their development as an individual. Because activities are an extension of the school day, students represent their school as a participant in those activities. Students are reminded that participation in activities is a privilege. Groups included with this agreement are: cheerleaders, associated student body officers, drill team, dance team, band, orchestra, choir, drama, knowledge bowl, and athletics.

STANDARDS: To be eligible to participate in interscholastic competition as a member of any team or activity approved by West Valley High School a student must be:

•      Passing all classes at each three (3) week grade check.

•      Enrolled in a minimum of six (6) classes. Any exceptions to the 6 class minimum must be approved by the principal.

SEMESTER GRADES: If a student gets one F grade at semester, that student will be ineligible to compete for one week at the start of the following semester unless the grade is modified before the end of said week. In accordance with the WIAA rules, a student with two or more F’s at semester cannot compete for five weeks.

PROCEDURE: At the end of the 3 week grading period, the grades of all students who are currently members of any WIAA sanctioned group will be reviewed. Any student who does not meet the standards will be ineligible from competition starting on the day following the report until the standard is met. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the coach/advisor when he/she become eligible by using a WVHS Eligibility Form. Academically in-eligible students cannot travel with the team.

SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENT: Prior to the exclusion of any special education student from interscholastic competition under these standards, the West Valley High School MDT will meet and provide a recommendation that is consistent with a student’s IEP.

INCOMPLETES: For the purpose of calculating eligibility an incomplete (I) is considered as an “F” grade.

INCOMING NINTH GRADE STUDENTS: Students entering the 9th grade will be declared eligible for the first 3 weeks of the 9th grade year as long as they meet the WIAA standard.

TRANSFER STUDENTS: A student who transfers here from out of the district will be held to the same standards as a current WVHS student.

SUMMER SCHOOL: If a student has failed a class during the spring semester, he/she may make it up by passing a summer school class.

APPEAL: A student declared ineligible under the terms of these standards is entitled to an appeal. Within five (5) school days of notification of ineligibility the student/parent must submit to the building principal a written request indicating a desire to appeal the decision. The building principal will conduct the appeal hearing. 

Activity Bus 

The district operates two activity buses. 

One bus serves the Valley "floor", while the other bus serves the families north of the Spokane River. A single bus will pick up all CMS/CS students at CMS and then go to the High School. There, students going North get on the North Bus and those south of the river stay on the South Bus. It is a limited stop service, so be prepared to meet your student at the nearest stop (especially in inclement weather or when it's dark at arrival time) or forewarn them of the 'hike' they may have at the end of their bus ride. 

Student ID Cards & GSL Stickers  

Students are encouraged to take part in and/or attend school activities. GSL stickers attached to a student’s “free ID card” are required for all students who participate in athletics or activities that are supported by the Associated Student Body (ASB) funds or who travel to events at the expense of the ASB. ID cards are free and the GSL sticker may be purchased for $40.00 at the Business Office. The revenue collected from the sale of student GSL stickers is used to partially finance activity and athletic programs. If a student loses their ID card with an GSL sticker, a replacement can be purchased for $5.00. 

Attendance Procedures 

West Valley School District is committed to student achievement and providing educational excellence, and we feel that regular attendance is essential for student success in our educational program. If you know in advance that there will be a conflict with your student attending all classes during the regularly scheduled school day or the attendance expectations in general, please call the office or contact your student’s counselor directly.

Laws of the State of Washington specify that parents have the primary responsibility for ensuring the punctual attendance of their children at school. Students who are absent from school are required to have telephone/written verification from the parent or guardian. Parents should notify the attendance office the day of the student's absence, and MUST notify no later than 48 hours after the absence, to inform the school as to the nature of the absence by phoning the WVHS Attendance Hotline at 891-9169.

The West Valley School District Attendance Policy and the state of Washington define absences as follows:


Absences due to the following reasons must be excused within 48 hours by the parent/guardian:


Automated calls: If your student has missed any period during the school day that has not been excused (recorded by the attendance secretary) during that same day, our automated attendance system will call the parent/guardian's home to make notification. In this case, please contact the office to excuse your student’s absence.

Student Procedures for Absences:

At WVHS, we believe students are more successful when they are interacting with peers and instructors. The expectation is that all students attend every class period unless arranged with the counselor/administrator/teacher. However, we do know appointments and other incidents arise throughout the school year. Students who have a legal reason (any reason stated above) to miss a planned instructional activity during the scheduled school day must have their parent or guardian's permission.  Failure to phone the attendance hotline with an excuse will result in truancy after 48 hours.


When a student misses a class, the expectation is that they complete the work necessary in order to keep pace with the learning and instruction being delivered. Each student will be given a reasonable amount of time in order to complete the missing work. At West Valley High School, a reasonable length of time means one day for each day absent. If a student is scheduled to be gone for 3 days or more, a parent or guardian may contact the school office to request homework for the days the student will be absent. Teachers will make every attempt to have the work to the office or posted in their Google Classroom within 24 hours of the request. It is the student’s responsibility to collect and complete all work from excused absences.      

III. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES - In accordance with Washington State attendance law RCW 28A.225, when a student reaches the equivalent of seven (7), but no more than fifteen (15) unexcused absences, that student must be referred to a Community Engagement Board (CEB). It is at this meeting that the student, board, parent/guardian and school representative must enter into an agreement.

TRUANCY: If a student is absent and no reason is given to the attendance secretary within 48 hours, a student will be marked truant.

Intervention for unexcused absences, missing scheduled class time, and truancy may include: 

IV. TARDINESS AND TRUANCY:  Students are expected to be in their scheduled class and on time every day. We believe students must be in class when instruction begins at the bell in order to receive full benefit from a lesson. We believe students must learn job skills such as timeliness by practice and being held accountable. 

Tardy Information and Corrective Action: Tardiness to class of more than ten minutes causes the student to miss essential instruction and objectives. Even arriving to class a few minutes late can have an adverse effect on the student’s success. Administration will document tardies and provide guidance to the student for scheduling makeup time. Administration will also seek to problem solve with students/families if the tardies begin to negatively affect academic performance. If tardies continue, progressive discipline may be assigned.

If a student is 10 minutes late or more, the tardy will then be considered as truant. 

Building Hours 

School hours are 6:45 am to 3:00 pm. 0 hour students and 7th period students can enter/stay in the building according to their class schedule.  Students are not allowed in the gym facilities, weight room or fitness center at any time during the school day or after school hours unsupervised.  Supervision must be an adult staff member.

Bus Conduct

The safe and efficient transportation of students to and from school is the primary goal of the West Valley School District Transportation Department.  In order to effectively maintain a safe environment, rules and procedures need to be implemented to deal with incidents that distract the driver and cause disruption on the bus.  The following list outlines expectations of student behavior and is posted in all school buses:

1. Do not distract driver through misbehavior.

2. The driver has the right to assign seats.

3. Use quiet voices and no profane language.

4. Keep the bus clean; no food or drink.

5. Keep your hands to yourself - no violence.

6. Remain in your seat, keep the aisle clear.

7. Be kind to others.

8. Keep your hands and head inside the bus.

9. No smoking or tobacco products.

10. Do not destroy property. 

Failure to follow the expectations outlined above may result in transportation or building progressive discipline. The bus is an extension of the WVHS campus and all school expectations will apply.


School district buses pick students up and drop them off in the parking lot at the south end of the building.  Route and schedule information can be obtained in the office. Routes vary; further information can be obtained from the Transportation Department at 922-5467.

Calendar of Events 

Click here to access News & Announcements.

Coaches Names by Sport & WIAA Schedule

CLICK HERE to access WIAA modification for the 2023-2024 school year.















Discipline Guidelines


West Valley High School’s discipline policy is designed to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for our students, staff and visitors. Standards and expectations for students focus on establishing an orderly, positive atmosphere that is conducive to overall student success. 


WVHS utilizes a progressive discipline model. When a student is sent to the office, administrators will: 1) interview the student, 2) discuss school expectations, 3) make sure the student understands how/why they committed the offense, and 4) assign corrective action. We first try to correct behavior by using restorative corrective action and limiting the time that students are excluded from classes. However, if behavior violations continue, we will change to progressive discipline. A sample model of progressive discipline follows: 

Level 1: Teacher administers other forms of discipline including but not limited to: 

Level 2: After repeated offenses in a reasonable time frame, the student will be referred to the administration.

Level 3: If the offenses continue, the administration will assign corrective action including lunch detentions, parent conferences, In-School Suspension, Etc.

Students who create a dangerous or disruptive environment for themselves of other students may be removed from classes without warning. 

Please see our behavior flow chart that WVHS utilizes when handline behavior violations within our school. In most situations, the administrators will contact home in order to keep the parents/guardians informed of the situation at school and the behavior the student is exhibiting. 

Referral Process

After a teacher has performed other classroom management strategies with a student within the classroom and the behavior has not shifted, that teacher may submit a referral to administrators. The administrator will then 1) interview the student, 2) discuss expectations, 3) make sure the student understands how/why they committed the offense, and 4) assign discipline. 

Discipline Guidelines

Please see “Students Rights and Responsibilities Annual Notification” linked on the district website.  The Annual Notification is also available on the WVHS website or upon request at the WVHS main office. 

Discrimination and Harassment 


 The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and patrons, that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional written message or image, including those that are electronically transmitted, verbal or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:

Nothing in this section requires the affected student to actually possess a characteristic that is a basis for the harassment, intimidation, or bullying. “Other distinguishing characteristics” can include but are not limited to: physical appearance, clothing or other apparel, socioeconomic status and weight. “Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action (s).

Behaviors/Expressions: Harassment, intimidation or bullying can take many forms including but not limited to, slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendos, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, oral, physical actions or electronically transmitted messages or images. This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the educational environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation or bullying may still be prohibited by other district policies or building, classroom, or program rules.

Training: This policy is a component of the district’s responsibility to create and maintain a safe, civil, respectful and inclusive learning community and shall be implemented in conjunction with comprehensive training of staff and volunteers.

Prevention: The district will provide students with strategies aimed at preventing harassment, intimidation and bullying. In its efforts to train students, the district will seek partnerships with families, law enforcement and other community agencies.

Interventions: Interventions are designed to remediate the impact on the targeted student (s) and others impacted by the violation, to change the behavior of the perpetrator, and to restore a positive school climate. The district will consider the frequency of incidents, developmental age of the student, and severity of the conduct in determining intervention strategies. Interventions will range from counseling, correcting behavior and discipline, to law enforcement referrals. 

Retaliation/False Allegations: Retaliation is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. It is a violation of this policy to threaten or harm someone for reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying. It is also a violation of district policy to knowingly report false allegations of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Students or employees will not be disciplined for making a report in good faith. However, persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.

Compliance Officer: The superintendent will appoint a compliance officer as the primary district contact to receive copies of all formal and informal complaints and ensure policy implementation. The name and contact information for the compliance officer will be communicated throughout the district. The superintendent is authorized to direct the implementation of procedures addressing the elements of this policy.

CROSS REFERENCES: Policy 3200 Rights and Responsibilities

Policy 3210 Nondiscrimination

Policy 3240 Student Conduct

Policy 6590 Prohibition of Adult Intimidation, Bullying, or Sexual Harassment

LEGAL REFERENCE: RCW 28A.300.285 Harassment, intimidation, and bullying prevention policies

MANAGEMENT RESOURCES Policy News, December 2010 Harassment Intimidation and a Bullying Policy Strengthened

Policy News, April 2008 Cyberbullying Policy Required

Policy News, April 2002 Legislature Passes an Anti-Bullying Bill 

Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action

The District will provide equal employment opportunity and treatment for all applicants and staff in recruitment, hiring, retention, assignment, transfer, promotion and training.  The West Valley School District complies with all Federal and State rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of  race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in education programs and/or extra-curricular activities.  

The West Valley School District, as a recipient of public funds, is committed to undertake affirmative action which will make effective equal employment opportunities for staff and applicants for employment.  Such affirmative action will include a review of programs, the setting of goals and the implementation of corrective employment procedures to increase the ratio of aged, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, women, and Vietnam veterans who are under-represented in the job classifications in relationship to the availability of such persons having requisite qualifications. Affirmative action plans may not include hiring or employment preferences based on gender or race, including color, ethnicity or national origin. Such affirmative action will also include recruitment, selection, training, education and other programs.

The current Affirmative Action Plan is posted on the District Website under Human Resources.

District Title IX OfficerSabre Dahl sabre.dahl@wvsd.org  509-924-2150

Section 504 Coordinator – Dan Andrews dan.andrews@wvsd.org  509-922-5478

District Compliance CoordinatorSabre Dahl sabre.dahl@wvsd.org  509-924-2150

For more information, go to the district’s Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Policy 5010.



Students and staff are protected against sexual harassment by anyone in any school program or activity, including on the school campus, on the school bus, or off-campus during a school-sponsored activity.

Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior or communication that is sexual in nature when:

Examples of Sexual Harassment:

You can report sexual harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Title IX Officer, who is listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint (see below). 


If you believe that you or your child have experienced unlawful discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment at school, you have the right to file a complaint.

Before filing a complaint, you can discuss your concerns with your child’s principal or with the school district’s Section 504 Coordinator, Title IX Officer, or Civil Rights Coordinator, who are listed above. This is often the fastest way to revolve your concerns. 

Complaint to the School District

Step 1. Write Our Your Complaint

In most cases, complaints must be filed within one year from the date of the incident or conduct that is the subject of the complaint. A complaint must be in writing. Be sure to describe the conduct or incident, explain why you believe discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment has taken place, and describe what actions you believe the district should take to resolve the problem. Send your written complaint—by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery—to the district superintendent or civil rights compliance coordinator.

Step 2: School District Investigates Your Complaint

Once the district receives your written complaint, the coordinator will give you a copy of the complaint procedure and make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The superintendent or designee will respond to you in writing within 30 calendar days—unless you agree on a different time period. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that demand a lengthier investigation, the district will notify you in writing to explain why staff need a time extension and the new date for their written response.

Step 3: School District Responds to Your Complaint

In its written response, the district will include a summary of the results of the investigation, a determination of whether or not the district failed to comply with civil rights laws, notification that you can appeal this determination, and any measures necessary to bring the district into compliance with civil rights laws. Corrective measures will be put into effect within 30 calendar days after this written response—unless you agree to a different time period.

Appeal to the School District

If you disagree with the school district’s decision, you may appeal to the school district’s board of directors. You must file a notice of appeal in writing to the secretary of the school board within 10 calendar days after you received the school district’s response to your complaint. The school board will schedule a hearing within 20 calendar days after they received your appeal, unless you agree on a different timeline. The school board will send you a written decision within 30 calendar days after the district received your notice of appeal. The school board’s decision will include information about how to file a complaint with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).

Complaint to OSPI

If you do not agree with the school district’s appeal decision, state law provides the option to file a formal complaint with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). This is a separate complaint process that can take place if one of these two conditions has occurred: (1) you have completed the district’s complaint and appeal process, or (2) the district has not followed the complaint and appeal process correctly.

You have 20 calendar days to file a complaint to OSPI from the day you received the decision on your appeal. You can send your written complaint to the Equity and Civil Rights Office at OSPI:

Email: Equity@k12.wa.us ǀ Fax: 360-664-2967

Mail or hand deliver: PO Box 47200, 600 Washington St. S.E., Olympia, WA 98504-7200

For more information, visit our website, or contact OSPI’s Equity and Civil Rights Office at 360-725-6162/TTY: 360-664-3631 or by e-mail at equity@k12.wa.us.
Other Discrimination Complaint OptionsOffice for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education 206-607-1600 ǀ TDD: 1-800-877-8339 ǀ OCR.Seattle@ed.gov ǀ OCR WebsiteWashington State Human Rights Commission 1-800-233-3247 ǀ TTY: 1-800-300-7525 ǀ Human Rights Commission Website 

Dress Code 

Our student dress code is designed to accomplish several goals:

The WV Dress Code:

1. Students Must Wear, while following the basic principle of Section 1 above:

2. Students May Not Wear:

Corrective Action:  Students will only be removed from spaces, hallways, or classrooms as a result of a dress code violation as outlined in the sections above. Students in violation of Sections 1 & 2 will be provided three (3) options to be dressed more to code during the school day:

Electronic Devices 

At West Valley High School, students are expected to manage their electronic devices and all other distracting devices in a manner that is respectful to staff and other students. A distracting device may be defined but not limited to fidget spinners, headphones, electronic communication devices, music players, Kendamas, etc.. It is expected that all devices are off (as not to ring, vibrate, or sound during class) and/or put away throughout the class period unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. Any student disrupting the educational process with a device may be subject to progressive discipline.

Emergency Procedures 


School bus schedules or routes are changed only during the most severe weather or emergency conditions. If it is necessary to run limited school bus schedules or close schools for any reason, information will be broadcast on local radio and television stations.

All students who ride the school bus will receive information from their bus driver noting the changes in bus schedules and routes in severe weather or other emergencies.  District buses are equipped with chains and the drivers have been trained to drive on slippery roads.



Fire/Evacuation Drills: The signal used in the event of a fire or fire drill is a distinct alarm signal. At the signal, students should move quickly in an orderly manner out of the building according to the exit plan posted in each classroom. Windows and doors should be closed before the room is evacuated. WVHS conducts three Fire drills per school year.

Lockdown Drills: The signal used in a lockdown or lockdown drill is a distinct alarm signal. At the signal, students should move quickly into a classroom and follow the instructions of the teacher. WVHS conducts three Lockdown drills per school year.

A complete copy of our emergency plans will be provided upon request.

Field Trips 

Student responsibilities:

Foreign Exchange Student Policy

Foreign Exchange Student Policy:

WVHS will enroll foreign exchange students who meet the following criteria and are submitted by approved exchange companies. The number of foreign exchange students accepted will be based on the total enrollment for the school year exchange students are applying for.

1. Students must be 17 or 18 years of age by September 1st of the school year they are enrolling in, and enroll as a senior.

2. Exchange programs must provide ELA support if a student does not pass a screening test administered by WVSD.

3. Student must reside with a family within the WVSD attendance area

General Information

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Each day the Pledge of Allegiance will be done over the intercom system at the beginning of first period as well as the daily bulletin of announcements.

ASSEMBLY BEHAVIOR: Attendance is required. Students are expected to be respectful, attentive, courteous, and well-mannered. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in corrective action.

BATHROOMS: Stalls in the bathroom are for single occupancy only.  No more than one person in a stall at a time. Loitering, hanging out, eating, or sitting on the floor in the bathroom is prohibited. If the bathroom is at maximum occupancy, please return to class or wait in the hallway. Students in violation of these rules may be subject to progressive discipline.

BICYCLES: Racks are provided for parking bicycles on the east and the west side of the building. Bicycles should be locked securely. WVHS cannot guarantee their safety.  Bicycles should not be secured to the posts on the north side of the building. Bicycles are not allowed in the building.

CAFETERIA INFORMATION: Students are expected to be respectful, attentive, courteous, and well-mannered. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in corrective action.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Parents are responsible for keeping the school informed of changes in address or other information that is pertinent to parent or home contact. Such information can be vital in an emergency. The information should be submitted to the attendance office. 

CHOICE STUDENTS– STUDENTS LIVING OUTSIDE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES: Any student that is considered a "Choice" student must annually submit release paperwork from their home district and a "Choice Student Contract" by September 15th of each school year.

COLLEGE & CAREER READINESS: Our students are supported with their post-secondary options through our college and career office located by the library. Students and their families are encouraged to contact Debbie Reeder with questions or inquiries regarding events and other support resources. Contact Debbie Reeder at 340-7182 or debbie.reeder@wvsd.org.

DETENTION: Lunch Detention may be assigned to students as corrective action. Students must arrive promptly within the first 5 minutes of lunch, bring materials for study and maintain high standards of conduct. Students may not use iPods, headphones, etc. or sleep in detention. If detention is assigned to a student who attends WVHS on a modified schedule, accommodations will be made and a parent/guardian will be notified. Failure to serve assigned detentions may result in progressive discipline.

EAGLE TIME: All students are required to attend Eagle Time. This targeted intervention time is designed to assist students with their academics. During this intervention, teachers will focus on two things: 1) What are we going do if the student gets it? and 2) What are we going to do if the student does not get it?

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (E.S.L.): Students who communicate primarily in a language other than English or those students who come from a home whose primary language is not English will be assessed for fluency and offered E.S.L. services as determined by screen tests.

EXTRA CURRICULAR TRANSPORTATION: All students that attend activities or sporting events away from school grounds must use the transportation provided by the district (school bus) to get to and from the event.  Any requests for exceptions must be submitted in writing and be approved by a building administrator in charge prior to departure. Students will not be released to other students.

FINES AND FEES: Fines are assessed during the school year for parking tickets, lost text books, damaged text books, library books, lost uniforms and P.E. locks.  Diplomas, records, and transcripts will be held until fines are paid.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS: In accordance with WVSD Board Policy, foreign exchange students are not eligible for WVHS diplomas.

GYMNASIUM FACILITIES: Unsupervised students are not allowed in the gym facilities, weight room or fitness center at any time during the school day or after school hours. Supervision must be by an adult staff member. 

GUIDANCE: Guidance services are available for every student in the school. These services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, career information, study, help with home, school and/or social concerns, or any question that the student would like to discuss with the counselors. Students wishing to visit a counselor should contact their counselor or make an appointment using the sign-up sheet on the counselor's door.

HALL PASSES: Students are expected to remain in class the entire period. Class time should not be spent at lockers, cars, restrooms, or in the halls. Students will be allowed access to restrooms upon reasonable request. To maintain integrity of lessons teachers may limit restroom access during the first or last ten minutes of class. It is our duty to ensure that students understand the necessity of good hydration to improve their health, well-being, and performance generally. When a teacher permits a student to leave class, the student should have a designated hall pass and sign out. Student must also present it to staff when requested to do so. Students will be reasonable with the length and frequency of breaks during class. If a teacher is concerned that a student is taking advantage of the hydration/restroom procedures, they will contact the student’s parent/guardian to address the concern. If the concern persists the teacher shall notify administration. Failure to follow the requests or guidelines outlined above may result in progressive discipline.

HONOR ROLL: Honor roll requires a 3.5 grade point average. It is published twice yearly following the end of each semester.

IDENTIFICATION CARDS: Each student is issued a photo identification card at no charge. The purpose of this card is to provide a student with positive identification as a student at West Valley High School. The card is also used for the school lunch account, ASB card (for a $40.00 fee), to check out materials from the Library, and to verify Internet access.  Students should keep their ID number private.

INTERNET ACCESS: Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks, just as they are in any other aspect of school life. The network is provided as a privilege for students to conduct research, complete classroom tasks, and communicate with others.

The school reviews files and communications without prior notice in order to maintain system integrity and ensure students are utilizing the network appropriately.  Failure to comply with district and school rules may result in a loss of network access, disciplinary action by the school administration, and referral to law enforcement agencies. School equipment cannot be used for personal business.

LATE ARRIVAL– EARLY DISMISSAL: Late arrival/early dismissal may only be granted by the building principal. Only seniors are granted the privilege of late arrival (no first period class) or early dismissal (no sixth period class) with the intent of the school to accommodate the student's needs.  Students who have a late arrival or early dismissal are not to linger near the high school campus during those times. Students must be in a designated location on campus (cafeteria, computer lab, or library) or they must remain away from the WVHS vicinity at home, work, etc. 

LOST AND FOUND: Any articles found on the premises should be brought to the office, where a lost and found service is maintained. All students are responsible for removing their belongings from hall lockers and athletic lockers prior to the last day of school.  Any items that are left will be held for one week and then donated to a charity.

MESSAGES: The only messages accepted for students are from parents or guardians. Absolutely no messages will be taken from friends.  If messages are of an emergency nature, the office staff will make every effort to deliver them without delay. However, it is not possible to accept and hand deliver all of the telephone messages that come to the high school without interrupting classes and interfering with the learning environment the faculty works so hard to maintain. Students should ask friends and employers to leave messages at their homes, not at school. Do not call students on cell phones during class hour; it disrupts the educational environment.

Please do not send your students flowers and gifts at school to be delivered. Deliveries interrupt the educational environment. We cannot be held responsible for delivery of flowers and gifts at school.


It is unlawful for a person under eighteen years old, unless the person is at least fourteen years old and has the permission of a parent or guardian, to purchase or possess a personal protection spray device. Such device may only be used in a manner consistent with the authorized “use of force” statue. i.e. “whenever used by a party about to be injured, or by another lawfully aiding him or her, in preventing or attempting to prevent an offense against his or her person, or a malicious trespass…the force is not more than is necessary.” (Board Policy 4210)

The undersigned has read the above statement and acknowledges the proper use of Personal Protection Spray Devices. The undersigned further agrees that they will use such device only in a manner consistent with the law. The West Valley School District agrees that persons may possess protection spray devices on school property for their protection as long as they meet the requirements of the law and have a valid permission slip on file at school. This form must be on file in the school office in order to carry a personal protection device.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Students are allowed to take only one physical education class per semester unless they are taking 7 classes, i.e. a zero hour strength training class.

RELEASE OF INFORMATION: At the beginning of each school year in the student packet, parents are given the opportunity to withhold information (photos, artwork, etc.) from being released or published regarding their student. If you want information withheld, please return the completed form to the WVHS office by October 1st. Please do not ask for other student's phone numbers, etc. We are not at liberty to give out other students’ personal information.

RUNNING START: Student GPA's are affected by grades received from colleges and universities while enrolled in Running Start.

SCHEDULE CHANGES: To avoid receiving an "F" for a class, schedule changes must be made within the first 7 school days of each semester.  To make a schedule change, contact your counselor.

SCHOLARSHIPS: A number of West Valley High School students seek scholarships each year. Many scholarship opportunities are offered by colleges and business and industrial firms, as well as civic, fraternal, educational groups and clubs.  Some awards require a written application or an interview. Each student should consult his/her counselor in an effort to discuss scholarships for which he/she may be eligible. Seniors will be given scholarship information via monthly newsletters. The counseling secretary can be contacted for further information.

SPORTS SEASON PASS: Parents wishing to purchase a season pass may buy them at the ASB office during regular business hours or at home games. These passes allow you entrance into ALL HOME EVENTS excluding playoffs.  

SKATEBOARDS-ROLLER BLADES: Skateboards, roller blades, etc. are not to be used in the school building. They should be stored securely in a locker or in a designated area. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in corrective action.

SPORTS PHYSICALS: Students are required to get a physical every 2 years if they are going to participate in sports at WVHS.

STUDENT GOVERNMENT: The purpose of student government is to provide the student body with a democratic process to effect change and to manage student body affairs. The Student Government is organized into two branches:

STUDENTS’ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: See Annual Notification on the WVHS website.

TEXTBOOK AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT CARE: Textbooks and Chromebooks are furnished by the school district and signed out through the Library or classroom teacher.  If books or Chromebook are lost or damaged in excess of reasonable wear, the student is fined to cover the damages. Fines may also be levied by the teacher for improper care of or loss of electronic equipment. Students who lose books or electronic equipment will be required to pay replacement cost for them. Fines must be paid before records or diplomas will be released/issued.

VACATIONS: Since the school calendar allows approximately four weeks of vacation time during the school year, other absences for vacations are strongly discouraged. Please see Attendance Policies and Procedures outlined above.

VALEDICTORIAN/ SALUTATORIAN: The student(s) with the highest grade average at the end of the seventh semester (or fall quarter if a running start student) will be declared the Valedictorian(s). The Salutatorian is determined as the student(s) with the next lowest GPA i.e. 1 B+, whether a high school or Running Start course. Seniors must be in classes yielding six credits or more both semesters to be eligible to become Class Valedictorian or Salutatorian.

VENDING MACHINES: Snack vending machines are available for the use of students. Each teacher reserves the right to determine if drinks and/ or snacks may be consumed in the classroom. Access to snack machines may be curtailed by the administration if problems arise concerning litter, tardiness, etc. The vending machines are not owned by WVHS.

WORK PERMITS: The form must be completed by the student's employer and parents and taken to his/her guidance counselor.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks can be purchased at the Business Office and online. After November 1st there is typically a price increase. They are distributed in June prior to the end of the school year. 

Grade Credit Requirements 

9th grade: 6 credits (English, Math, Science, Heath/PE, elective, elective)

10th grade: 6 (English, Math, Science, History, elective, elective)

11th grade: 6 (English, History, elective, elective, elective)

12th grade: 6 (English, History, Math or math based science, elective, elective, elective)

Graduation Cords:

4 Years of Science (any; including Biomed/Intro to Engineering, etc)

4 Years of Math

3 Years in a dedicated Science CTE pathway (can be part of the 4 years of science, OR in addition to 4 years of science)

--Intro to Engineering, EDD, Physics


Homework Requests 

A student who is absent for multiple (3 or more) days of school may put in a request for homework assignments in the main office. Notices will be sent to classroom teachers indicating the number of days to be missed. Please remember the following when requesting assignments:

Leaving Campus During Lunch 

Students in grades 9-12 will be allowed to leave campus during lunch. Once a student chooses to leave campus, they will not be allowed back into the building until the five minute warning bell (signifies there are five minutes left of lunch). Students need to be aware that lunch is only 30 minutes long, and it is the responsibility of the student to be present and on time for their next class following lunch. 



Each student will receive a locker.  It is the student's responsibility to keep his/her combination confidential. Students are responsible for school and personal property lost from their lockers.  Students are responsible for the care and contents of lockers.  Any change of locker assignment must be cleared through the office.  If your locker does not operate properly, contact a custodian immediately.

Valuables: Large amounts of money and other valuables should not be brought to school. If due to some unusual circumstances a student finds it necessary to have such items at school, s/he should leave them in the security office for safe keeping.  Keep your locker locked at all times.  Be sure to spin the dial when you close it.  Only school issued locks are to be used to secure lockers. You must immediately report damage done to your locker to the office or security. Failure to do so means that you may be held responsible for the damage.  Students should secure any valuables in their gym lockers during physical education classes, athletic practices, or games.


Students are responsible for cleaning out all personal and school items from both their hall locker and athletic locker prior to the last day of school.  Any items that remain in the lockers will be donated to charity. 

Lunch Schedule by Teacher  

At West Valley High School, lunches are based upon your 4th period teacher. Please check to see what teacher you have for fourth period and then see the lunch schedule below:

West Valley High School 

2023-2024 Lunch Schedule 

1st Lunch 

Marcos Ahumada

Cory Aitken

Joe Andrews

Kristen Arment

Courtney Aulisio

Bill Bauman

Adam Cerenzia

Geoff Hensley

Tom Hill

Rose Honey

Rick Kuhl

Erika Leinweber

Dave Marlow

Haley Marx

Courtney McDonald

Kevin Murphy

Jason Remington

Kelsey Shacklett

Rebecca Voss

Steve Warren

Nathan Westlund

Craig Whitney

Aimee Wilson

2nd Lunch 

Jason Abrams

Bruce Berry

Ty Brown

Randy Carasco

Abby Constable

Ned Fadeley

Liam Festa

Emie Goates

Marci Groesbeck

Andrea Heading

Breanna Holmes

Dina Jones

Andrew Mastronardi

Matthew Mastronardi

Lonnie Quirk

Mary Sloan

Kayleigh Talbott

Meal Prices

For the 2024-2025 school year, both breakfast and lunch will be FREE for ALL students!!

Medications in School 

West Valley School District Policy/Procedure requirements for Administration of Medication:

Under normal circumstances medication should be given at home, however if there exists a valid health reason, medication may be applied under the supervision of personnel - this includes prescription and over the counter drugs.

NCAA Requirements  

National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I or II Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse

Students who want to participate in NCAA Division I or II athletics should start the certification process by the end of their junior year or early their senior year.

To be certified by the Clearinghouse, students must:

1. Graduate from high school. Preliminary certification will be issued for students not yet graduated. Final certification will be issued only after final transcript receipt, including proof of graduation.

2. Check the NCAA website (ncaa.org) for any changes or updates of their requirements for their graduating school year.


1. FORM 48H from high school lists each course offered that meets NCAA core course guidelines.  Clearinghouse specialists review and validate core courses and return a printout of core course data to the high school.  Validated course data for each school will be maintained in the Clearinghouse’s 48H “Library.”

2. ACT/SAT SCORES must be provided to the Clearinghouse by listing “9999” as the code on the student registration form for the test.  All scores should be sent to the Clearinghouse.  The Clearinghouse will calculate the “best” ACT Composite or SAT total score from the scores it has received for each student.

3. To register, prospective student-athletes should access the NCAA.org website, view the student-athlete pull down menu, select the NCAA Eligibility Center, Click on the student-athlete registration tab, and follow the directions to create an account.

4. Additionally, the Division I membership is considering significant changes in the academic eligibility standards for practice, competition and the receipt of athletics scholarships during a student-athlete's first year of college. Additional changes to the test-score/grade-point average index have been proposed and are available for your review.  You may access the proposed changes through the NCAA website at www.ncaa.org.   Select the Prospect/Parent page from the pull-down menu of Custom Home Pages.  The NCAA invites you to comment on the proposed changes to the Division I initial-eligibility standards by contacting us at academics@ncaa.org.

5. NCAA member institutions use the INSTITUTION REQUEST LIST to request initial eligibility certification decisions for the students they are recruiting.  Once the Clearinghouse has received all of the information that it needs to make a certification decision, the Clearinghouse will report that decision to the student and to the NCAA member institution(s) that request it and to which the student has authorized release of the information.

FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION you may contact the NCAA Clearinghouse at 2555 North Dubuque Road, PO Box 4044, Iowa City, Iowa 52243-4044 or call them at 1-877-262-1492.

National Honor Society Membership 

West Valley High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) is an active service organization.  Each school year  NHS sponsors two blood drives, the academic awards ceremonies, the honor cord ceremony, teacher/staff appreciation activities, as well as numerous service and fundraising (in support of service) activities. A senior member in good standing is distinguished at graduation by wearing a ceremonial sash (stole) over his or her graduation gown. This sash is returned after the ceremony or the student may pay $30 to keep the sash.

A student becomes eligible to be invited to join NHS if she or he meets the following requirements:  

Once at the beginning of each year students are invited to apply for membership.

A student selected for membership in NHS must attend an induction ceremony to become an official member.

To remain a member in good standing, a member must:

Nurse & Health Room 

The student must check in with the school nurse before entering the sick room. Students are not allowed to stay in the sick room for long periods of time. After 30 minutes if the student does not feel well enough to return to class, he/she must call a parent/guardian and arrange to go home. It is very important that the parent/guardian submits current information regarding home and work phone numbers and names and phone numbers of persons to contact if parents cannot be reached regarding student illness or injury. Any changes in a student's health status that occur during the school year should be reported to the school nurse.

Parent/Coach Communication 

Let the coaches coach! The players play! The referees ref!

Parent - Coach Relationship:  We are pleased that your son/daughter has chosen to participate in the West Valley School District athletic program.  We will do all we can to provide a positive experience for him/her.  A very important ingredient in achieving this outcome is to insure that lines of communication are developed to allow for free and easy resolution of questions before they become issues.  As a parent, you have a right to know what expectations are placed on your son/daughter.  This document is intended to spell out all levels of communications so that parents, coaches and athletes are aware of the steps they have available to resolve anything they think is or might become an issue.

Communication You Should Expect from Your Athlete’s Coach:

Communication Coaches Expect From Parents:

Appropriate Concerns to Discuss With Coaches:

At times it may be difficult to accept the fact that your son/daughter is not playing as much as you or he/she would like. Coaches are professionals who make judgment decisions based on what they believe to be the best for the team and all involved.  As you have seen from the list above, certain things can be and should be discussed with your son/daughter’s coach.  We ask that other things, such as those listed below, be left to the discretion of the coach.

Coaches Decisions:

There are situations that may require a conference between the coach, the athlete, and the parent. These are to be encouraged. It is important the both parties involved have a clear understanding of the other person’s role and position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issue of concern.

If You Have a Concern to Discuss with a Coach - Please Follow the Procedure Below:

School Dance Rules

West Valley High School holds dances for the enjoyment of our students. The following rules apply at school sponsored dances: 

The following rules will apply to ALL West Valley High School dances including but not limited to Homecoming and Junior/Senior Prom:

a.     Agreement that the WV student & guest will follow all rules

b.     Student is no younger than 9th grade and no older than 20 years of  age.

c.    The guest agrees to bring photo ID to the dance. No exceptions.

Please note- Not all dances will have tickets sold at the door, so please plan ahead and buy your ticket in advance. 

Secondary Activities Code



1.  To promote and contribute to the goals of the total education program through the development of the physical, mental, social, and emotional  well-being of the individual participants, the realization that a healthy mind and body increases the probability of effective learning, and by providing a strong program that attracts student body interest and motivates a positive learning atmosphere.

 2.  To promote community interest and involvement in school activities by providing enjoyable experiences for participants and spectators, and by establishing rules and standards for activities which reflect behavior approved by the community.

 3.  To develop good citizenship and respect for rules and authority by experiencing principles of fair play, ethical conduct, and good sportsmanship, and by providing the opportunity for participants to adjust attitudes to reflect the team concept.

4.  To develop physical and mental excellence and understanding by encouraging leadership, initiative, and good judgment, and through the recognition of outstanding performance.

5.  To develop an understanding by students of obligations which arise when such students represent the school by encouraging conduct and behavior throughout the entire school year consistent with the objectives contained herein, and by requiring students who participate in secondary activities to represent the district at all times during the school year.


Students who participate in the activity programs in West Valley School District shall be governed by the rules of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association, the specific rules and regulations listed below, and such other rules as defined by the coach of each activity.

1.  Activity Season: The rules and regulations defined herein apply to each student who participates in a WIAA sanctioned activity. Students shall be governed by the rules and regulations contained herein from the date that the activity begins (the first practice) and shall comply with these rules and regulations for the duration of twelve (12) calendar months.  Should a student violate these rules and regulations during a period of time that they are not actively participating in an activity or during an activity when the full penalty cannot be imposed, the discipline and/or penalties (or remaining portion thereof if the activity ends before complete imposition occurs) will be imposed during the next activity participated in by the student.  Should the student initiate participation in any activity, be disciplined or penalized for prior conduct, and thereafter terminate participation in such activity, the penalty and/or discipline imposed shall be carried forward and imposed during the next activity participated in by the student.

2.  Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, and/or Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices:


The West Valley High School staff believes that successful academic achievement must precede participation in athletics and/or activities. All students in extra-curricular activities must meet both WIAA and WVHS academic standards Eligibility based on grades will be checked every three weeks.


Each student and his or her parents/guardians shall be required, prior to the student's participation in any activity covered by this code, to enter into a contract providing for compliance with these rules and regulations and setting forth the penalty/discipline to be imposed should such rules and regulations be violated.


Penalties under this code shall be progressive.

The student will be recommended for assessment by a professional drug and alcohol counselor.  Participation in such counseling program shall not lessen the penalty for the violation.

Student participation in practice sessions during penalty period(s) shall be at the discretion of the advisor/coach.

The student will be recommended for assessment by a professional drug and alcohol counselor.  Participation in such counseling program shall not lessen the penalty for the violation.

This Activities Code is in effect for every student participant throughout the entire school year, beginning with the student’ participation in activities, including all turnouts and/or practice sessions that may occur before or following the regular academic calendar for the school year.

NOTE:  Each violation of this Activities Code will be recorded as a discipline report and kept in a personal file in order to establish a basis for progressive discipline.


If a student is to be removed from an activity covered by the Secondary Activities Code, the teacher/coach imposing such discipline and the principal/designee shall review informally the proposed discipline prior to its imposition.  Upon its being imposed, the student, parent(s), or guardian(s) who is/are aggrieved shall be entitled to use the grievance procedure for discipline contained in the Student Responsibilities and Rights policy. 

Staff by Assignment

Principal Ryan Mulvey

Assistant Principal Kelsey Anderson

Dean of Students Tanner Stansbury

Security  Deputy Runnels

Athletic Director Jamie Nilles

Head Secretary Lindsey Kingsley 

Attendance Carlotta McGhee

Registrar Elizabeth Steinmark

Business Office Sally Mumaw

Secretary Tara Gilbert

Counseling Secretary Connie Bergman

Counselor Andrea Bickley (9th grade (G-M) and 10th grade)

Counselor Alma Durgutovic (9th grade (N-Z) and 11th grade)

Counselor Kyle Bush (9th grade (A-F) and 12th grade)

Counselor Katrina Finnegan (Students with IEP's)

Counselor Carson Oliver

Communities in Schools 

English Teachers

Modern Language Teachers

Math Teachers

Professional Technical Teachers

Fine Arts Teachers

Science Teachers

Social Studies Teachers

Physical Education

Special Education


Student Parking

Students driving to school and intending to park their vehicles on the school premises must register their vehicle and receive a parking permit from the WVHS business office. To register a vehicle, students must complete a WVHS student parking permit form. Once registered, the parking permit must be displayed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle at all times. Students failing to abide by the WVHS parking guidelines may have their parking privileges revoked and/or towed.  Reasons for revocation and/or towing may include, but are not limited to, parking outside of designated student parking areas, parking with vehicle tires on curbs or in landscaping, unsafe vehicle operation on school property, “sharing” and/or using unauthorized permits. Student parking is available on a “first come, first served” basis. No exemption exists for students to park in designated staff or visitor parking areas. 

The link to the digital form is as follows: Student Parking 

At the start of each school year, seniors are able to reserve numbered parking in the south lot for $30. This will be on a "first come, first served" basis. If spots remain, reservations will open to underclassmen. The money collected supports each classes prom.


The student(s) with the highest grade average at the end of the seventh semester (or fall quarter if a running start student) will be declared the Valedictorian(s). The Salutatorian is determined as the student(s) with the next lowest GPA i.e. 1 B+, whether a high school or Running Start course. Seniors must be in classes yielding six credits or more both semesters to be eligible to become Class Valedictorian or Salutatorian. 


Visitors are prohibited during the school day.


West Valley High School welcomes volunteers who are a vital part of our school. There are a variety of ways for parents to become involved at the high school level without solely working in the classroom. Your kids still need you.  It is critical that you have the opportunity to know the operations of the school, the staff, and the other students your student may "hang with."  We offer you that opportunity and encourage you to become involved. All volunteers must fill out a volunteer application, Washington State patrol form and an immunization history.  Our receptionist can provide you with the needed forms. Forms must be completed and district authorization received before any volunteer work is done.