West Valley High School Learning Resources

WEEK 5: 4/20-4/25

Online Learning

  • Students should be enrolled in all 6 periods of Google Classroom starting 4/20.

    • Go to https://classroom.google.com and login using your school email.

    • If you need a specific Google Classroom Code, please reach out to any staff member/teacher.

  • Please make sure you check in with each of your teachers weekly & complete assignments.

  • Weekly assignments will be posted by 8am each Monday in Google Classroom.

  • If your family needs accommodations or modifications to this learning plan, please reach out to Mr. Mulvey, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Stinger, or your counselor.

  • Please access a letter from our Principal, Mr. Mulvey, here.

  • Please find the grading guidelines from our district here .


WEEK 4: 4/13-4/17


Free-Flow Response

Students will have options to practice and review prior skills as well as enrich their writing abilities in a free-flow response on either a pro/con topic or a creative response to a picture.


All News is NOT Created Equal

Explore different news platforms and compare & contrast how the speakers craft top headlines.

19th Century Imperialism

The world has become a highly connected place and - as a rising power - what happens in China and elsewhere impacts us health-wise, economically and so on. With this in mind, how has 19th Century Western Imperialism molded our relationship with China and how might we understand this to better work with China to benefit everyone?


Plank Off!

The math department challenges you to a plank off! Over the course of this week, we will be doing one plank per day for as long as possible. Mr. Remington will be holding a Google Meet each day at 3 pm (Monday through Friday), so everyone can do their plank at the same time, stay connected with one another, and to make fun of how weak Mr. Remington is. At the end of the week, we will record data collected.


Mindfulness & Managing Stress

We are in stressful times….we can’t avoid stress, but we can learn to minimize it for physical and mental health.


Laying Down the Law

In this LAP (Leadership, Attitude, Performance) Module, you will have the opportunity to explore the nature of law and regulations and demonstrate how to comply with the spirit and intent of laws and regulations.

What To Do With What You Got:

Ramen Challenge

You’ve been eating lots of Ramen but it is getting kind of boring. Your challenge is to create a new dish using a package of Ramen.


Finding Internships &

Writing Scholarship Essays

Setting yourself apart from other students is important. Use this activity to find internships, read scholarship-winning essays, and get started on your own.


DNA Functions

Do you want to know how DNA makes you, you? Learn how DNA functions and creates proteins using codes!


Mini Murph Workout

Whether you have a fully-fledged garage gym, or only a pair of jump ropes – we’ve built a list of workouts you can do virtually anywhere, without any equipment or gear.

Art Remixes

Study famous art remixes and attempt to make one of your own!

Listening to classical music

This week, students will be critically listening to a piece of classical music, and analyzing it for melody, harmony, emotional response, and other critical elements of music.


Exploring travel in France and Spain

This week, the French students will be learning how to get around on their next trip to France. The Spanish students will be looking at one trip in particular: El Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage people have been taking since the 8th century.


Spring Break Updates WVHS 4/3

WEEK 2: 3/30-4/3


Comparative Challenge

Students will have options to practice prior skills and enrich their learning in order to help them craft a comparative response that states a clear understanding of literature and/or a personal interview.


Social Studies Social Media Influencer

You may not believe your teachers, but thinking about the world the way we do in social studies class can actually help you lead a more interesting and rewarding life outside of school. Let’s put that claim to the test by finding and listening to a podcast then discussing what you learned and why it matters.

Our Heroes

We value certain people in our lives and even raise them up to a “hero status.” These heroes can be in our family, in the entertainment world, or just a certain someone that you are acquainted with in some way, shape, or form.


Systems of Equations

How many solutions are there to an equation? What about two equations? In this activity, students will explore the relationship between a solution(s) to an equation(s) and the coordinate plane.


Coping Mechanisms for Stress and Anxiety

The Coronavirus Pandemic has rocked our world! Everything is unprecedented and is constantly changing. Stress and anxiety in times of uncertainty are normal, but with so many changes and challenges, how can we “keep calm and carry on?”


Computer Science Unplugged

So, you thought you knew how to count? Well, here is a new way to do it! Did you know that computers use only zero and one? These activities will teach you how to send secret messages to your friends using exactly the same method as a computer.


Atomic Structure

Learn how atoms work! Discover how the atom is the fundamental building block of all material on Earth.


How to Exercise at Home

Fitness Blender is a 15-20-minute cardio toning workout. This workout combines some strength training and cardio moves. Your heart rate stays elevated to help you get active!

Music Writing

Students will be exploring writing musical melodies for their instrument/voice, using either music software or traditional pencil and paper.

What Is Art?

After reading some background of art and about the artist Andy Warhol, have a discussion with family or friends. Then, if you are in the mood to create, continue with the directions on making a piece of art from items in your home or yard.


Exploring Sports in France & Spain

This week, you will be learning about sports played in France and Spain, reviewing sports vocabulary, and recognizing and using cognates to enhance comprehension.

WEEK 1: 3/23-3/27


Argumentative Writing

Students will read articles and watch videos in order to craft an argument that states a clear position and uses evidence to support their position.


Trade Policy Exploration

Students will research plagues throughout history through videos and articles.

Humans and Earth's Natural Wonders

Students will explore different wonders of the world and have an opportunity to work with and study maps.

Spanish Flu vs COVID-19

Students will study the Spanish flu in order to compare and contrast COVID-19. This activity encourages students to document current emotions, ideas, and wondering.

War Horse Movie Analysis

Watch the movie War Horse and complete attached activities that provide insight into the critical role of the war horse. Netflix account required. Alternative war horse study videos are linked and available on YouTube.


Exploring Lines

Students will have a chance to review plotting lines and line equations. Then, practice with a virtual marble race and using lines to land a plane. General math review resources are located on the home page of Optional Learning Resources.


Explore and Practice

Students can explore careers that they are interested in or use different google apps to create comic strips, movies, or stories.


Exploring Science

Explore Virtual Zoos and study the science behind COVID-19. Need something more general? Kahn Academy is linked here.


Health & PE Activities

Students can find body weight workouts and read about the science of being healthy.


Students can listen to two different pieces and practice along with the scores or practice finger movements.

Art Practice

Explore contour drawing with a guided video. Then, choose a practice assignment to test your skill.


Musique! & iMúsica en confinamiento!

This week's theme is music. Listen to songs and follow along listening for vocabulary words. Bonus points if you learn to sing along!