WUSD Breakout EDU

Guidelines for Breakout EDU Kits

WUSD has a total of six (6) Breakout EDU boxes to lend to teachers. Due to the nature of the kits (many intricate parts, possible resetting of locks rendering them unusable, preparation of materials, etc.), there are some guidelines that must be followed in order to run a Breakout in your classroom. The goal of the District is for Breakouts to be run across campus smoothly, effectively, and timely. Therefore, please review the guidelines below on how YOU can run a Breakout in your classroom.

First Time Use

It is recommended that an academic coach is present in order to run a Breakout in your classroom for the first time. Due to the nature of set up and clean up, having a coach present will help to ensure the Breakout runs smoothly and all parts are returned correctly.

Booking a Box

It is recommended that teachers reserve a box at least one week in advance. This allows for time to print materials, set all locks, and ensure an academic coach is available, if needed. This process typically takes 2+ hours.

Breakout Facilitation

All Breakouts generally run for 45 to 60 minutes. To maximize the experience, teachers should schedule at least an additional 15-20 minutes to prep students with directions for the game, set the scene, and facilitate a post game debrief.

Returning the Box

Upon completion of the Breakout, gather all game materials. Locks should be locked, combinations recorded on the Lock Combination Quick Guide, and the Equipment Inventory completed.

Breakout EDU Resources

In order to best facilitate your Breakout experience, please take a look at the resources below.

Click on the link above to get a copy of the presentation. This tool includes a lock guide for students, a timer, and debrief questions.

Click on the link above to get a copy of the locks parking lot. The locks parking lot is used when running a breakout in order to make sure no locks accidentally get reset or misplaced.

Use the quick guide to keep lock combinations handy.

A copy of this sheet will list all materials and locks included in the kit. Use this sheet before and after to keep track of the contents of each box.

Click on the link above to view videos and instructions for lock tutorials and tips.

Click on the link above to access a universal timer, the general presentation intro, signs, and the hint tracker.

Click on the link above to explore Breakout EDU's already created games.

Please check the calendar above to make sure a box is available.

Click on the link above to check-out a Breakout box.