U.S. History

Class overview

In this class we will learn how current events are a consequence of historical events. Learning about history helps us to become better prepared to act as conscious, engaged citizens. I challenge my students to question who is the educational focus of history, and why women and minorities are often left out of the narrative. Students in my class will engage in a critical examination of themselves, others, institutions, and events to find patterns of inequality, bigotry and discrimination. They will then explore possible solutions to the problems they’ve identified.

Weekly Agenda - here you will find the daily agenda for the remainder of the semester

Course Syllabus

Virtual Classroom

Parent Survey - Period 1


We will be using Google Classroom and Zoom daily in our classes. This website is meant to be a resource for parents to keep up with their child's work. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

About me

This is my 7th year as a Social Science Teacher. I have my Masters and Bachelors degrees in Political Science and am currently working on my doctorate in Educational Leadership at CSUS.

I am a Google Certified Educator Level 2 and an Instructional Technology Leader for RCHS.

I currently serve as a Site Representative for the West Sacramento Teacher's Association.

I hope to encourage my students to be lifelong learners and become civically engaged.