Community Service Guidelines
Students of the California High School Puente Program are required to complete a minimum of 25 community service hours per academic school year. The purpose of community service is for students to engage in activities that help them develop a passion for service within their community, as well as help build a college profile to help support them in their college application efforts.
Official acknowledgments
Only Seniors who earn 100 hours of community service will earn a Community Service Pin, presented at our annual banquet
25 hours of community service p/ year = certificate at presented at our annual banquet
Students who complete the most community service hours per grade level will get a special recognition at the banquet
Terms of Community Service/ Volunteer Work
Service hours cannot be earned for hours completed when you're earning a grade or graduation credit.
Community Service hours must be Puente service hours or off-campus hours through a non-profit agency or organization.
All community service hours must be submitted to a Puente teacher or counselor by the first Monday in May. All hours completed after that date will count towards the next school year.
You may begin your 9th grade community service hours the summer following your 8th grade year
Students may earn incentive hours for donating items or time to Puente fundraisers or events. Such instances will be specified and publicized by the Puente Team.