Ms. Stephani Mathurin

CMS Student Assistance Counselor & Anti Bullying Specialist 


My name is Stephani Mathurin, and I am the new Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC) and Anti Bullying Specialist (ABS) for Colonia Middle School. I will be here Monday through Friday, 8 AM - 3:30 PM. I am here to discuss anything related to substance use/misuse, harassment, intimation, and bullying (HIB), relationship and peer concerns, LGBTQIA+ concerns, mental health counseling, and much more. If you ever want/need to speak with someone regarding these topics, I am here as a resource and a support system, so please utilize me when you need to.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I am located on the second floor at the end of the hall (Room 200), I can be reached at 732-568-5620, and my email address is

Looking forward to a phenomenal school year!