Nurse Kelly

  • In order to maintain a healthy school environment I need your cooperation in adhering to the following guidelines

    • If your child has a fever of 100.0 degrees or higher, he/she is not permitted to return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without any medicaiton

    • If I send your child home from school with a fever of 100.0 degrees or higher, he/she is not allowed to return to school the next day. He/she must be fever free for 24 hours without any medication

    • If your child wakes up in the morning and vomits, please keep him/her home for 24 hours

    • If your child has a bad cold (severe cough, congestion, runny nose, etc.) please keep him/her home in order to recuperate and to prevent the spread of germs to others

    • If your child is placed on antibiotics, they must be on them for a full 24 hours before returning to school

    • If your child has a medical condition that requires medication to be given at school, your doctor needs to complete a form and you need to provide the health office with the completed form and medicaiton. All forms can be found on the school website under nurse tab