Intro to Engineering 2: Principles of Engineering
Spring Semester Class Schedule
All classes are LIVE! If you are absent there is NO OPTION to join class from home - Google Meets will NOT be used for class!
Block 2:
Extra Help will be available upon request before/after school/during lunch.
Class Communication
We will use Google Classroom & you will be added to the class automatically
We will use Remind and you must join on your own. Information will be posted on Google Classroom
C Level Course Grading Policy
75% Major Assignments (Tests, Projects, Presentations, etc.)
25% Minor Assignments (Homework, Classwork, Quizzes, Notebook Checks etc.)
+ Final Exam
If you are absent, you have 2 days upon your return to complete your makeup work in order to receive full credit. (I.e. If out on Tuesday and return Wednesday, must complete assignment by Friday for full credit). Late policy applies.
You may talk to me about your grade, extra help, etc. at any time. Just send me an email, Remind message, or talk to me before/after class. :)
Homework Policy
Some assignments will be collected as physical hard copies, while others are to be turned in as virtual soft copies at the time specified under the assignment on Google Classroom.
For soft-copy assignments, the documents can be uploaded as a photo/scan of a hand-written paper OR as a Google Doc, Word doc, Kami.
Homework MUST include your NAME and BLOCK on the document/ paper itself. 5 points will be deducted if EITHER of these items are missing.
ALWAYS show work, when applicable and especially when stated. (This way, you can still receive partial credit).
Late homework assignments handed in one day late will be graded automatically with a 10 points reduction. After the first day late, 25 points will automatically be deducted. If you do not turn it in AT ALL, or with little to no effort, it is unacceptable and graded as a ZERO. Any assignments handed in after review/ answer posting, or at the end of the marking period, the MAX grade is a 50.
There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for cheating, resulting in an automatic ZERO and notification sent to your parent/guardians, guidance counselor, and administration.
Reach out to me if you have any issues with turning in assignments on time.
Grading Scale
98-100 A+
95-97 A
92-94 A-
89-91 B+
86-88 B
83-85 B-
80-82 C+
77-79 C
74-76 C-
71-73 D+
68-79 D
65-67 D-
64-below F
Attendance Policy
Attendance will be taken daily!
Be on-time. Be prepared. Be respectful. Be willing to learn. Be yourselves!
If you KNOW you will be absent ahead of time (sick, vacation, holiday, etc.) let me know as soon as possible!
If you are running late from another class or need to leave early for any reason, you must have a pass/ signed note from a teacher.
Additional Information
Pencils & erasers
Calculator (suggested)
Computer mouse (suggested)
Ruler (suggested)