Grading Policy & Expectations


Students are expected to show up to class on time, actively participate,  and to be prepared. Student preparation includes wearing the appropriate athletic attire and sitting in their assigned seat. 

Students will be graded on preparation, participation, and google classroom assignments. 

Students require a space that will allow them to move freely and safely  (if remotely participating).

Always put forth your personal best effort in all activities!

Attendance and Preparation = 40%

Participation = 40%

Skills Tests/Techniques = 20%


-3 points -Partial unprepared

-3 point - unexcused late

-5 points -unprepared

-5  points -Partial participation

-5 points -Unexcused absence

-10 points- truant

All student work will be comprised of major assessments (tests and projects) and minor assessments (homework and classwork). All student work will receive a numerical value.

The value assigned to numerical marks shall be as follows:

* 92-100 Performance significantly above curriculum standard

* 83-91 Performance above curriculum standard

* 74-82 Performance at curriculum standard

* 65-73 Performance below curriculum standard

* 64 or below Performance significantly below curriculum standard (failure)

All submitted student work will receive a minimum score of 50, unless determined by the teacher that little or no effort was made by the student, in which case a lower numerical mark may be given and recorded. If work is not submitted the value earned will be a 0.

10 points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late.

Furthermore, when calculating marking period grades minor assessments will count as two-thirds (2/3) of the grade value and major assessments will count as one-third (1/3) of the marking period grade value.

The numerical average of major and minor assignments will be graded according to the following scale:

A+ = 98-100 A = 95-97 A- = 92-94

B+ = 89-91 B = 86-88 B- = 83-85

C+ = 80-82     C = 77-79       C- = 74-76

D+= 71-73 D = 68-70 D- = 65-67

F = 64 and Below

(A mark of 65 or higher shall constitute a passing mark.)

In addition to the scale above, the following marks may also appear on the report card:

* P Pass

* I Incomplete

* E Withdrawn, failing

* J Withdrawn, passing

* L Loss of Credit

* X Probation

Plagiarism - Any work that is plagiarized will result in a grade of 0. For the first plagiarism offense, a meeting with guidance, the teacher and the student will take place. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified and it will be expected that the assignment be redone; however, the highest value to be earned after plagiarism is a 74. Subsequent offenses of plagiarism will require a meeting with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student will earn a 0 for the assignment.

Finally, any situation involving cheating will result in a mark of zero (0).