• All student work will be comprised of major assessments (tests and projects) and minor assessments (homework and classwork).

  • All student work will receive a numerical value.

The value assigned to numerical marks shall be as follows:

  • 92-100..............Performance significantly above curriculum standard

  • 83-91................Performance above curriculum standard

  • 74-82................Performance at curriculum standard

  • 65-73................Performance below curriculum standard

  • 64 or below.......Performance significantly below curriculum standard (failure)

  • All submitted student work will receive a minimum score of 50, unless determined by the teacher that little or no effort was made by the student, in which case a lower numerical mark may be given and recorded. If work is not submitted the value earned will be a 0.

  • Furthermore, when calculating marking period grades minor assessments will count as two-thirds (2/3) of the grade value and major assessments will count as one-third (1/3) of the marking period grade value.

The numerical average of major and minor assignments will be graded according to the following scale:

  • A+..........98-100

  • A............95-97

  • A-...........92-94

  • B+..........89-91

  • B............86-88

  • B-...........83-85

  • C+ ..........80-82

  • C ............77-79

  • C-............74-76

  • D+...........71-73

  • D.............68-70

  • D-............65-67

  • F .............64 and Below

(A mark of 65 or higher shall constitute a passing mark.)

In addition to the scale above, the following marks may also appear on the report card:

  • P..........Pass

  • I...........Incomplete

  • E..........Withdrawn, failing

  • J..........Withdrawn, passing

  • L..........Loss of Credit

  • X..........Probation


  • Any work that is plagiarized will follow the following:

  • For the first plagiarism offense a meeting with guidance, the teacher and the student will take place. The parent/guardian will be notified and it will be expected that the assignment be redone; however, the highest value to be earned after plagiarism is a 74.

  • Subsequent offenses of plagiarism will require a meeting with the parent/guardian and the assignment will receive a 0.


  • Finally, any situation involving cheating will result in a mark of zero (0).