Mrs. Meade

Avenel Middle School - School Counselor 732-596-4073

Grade 6 Counselor

Thank you for visiting my page, I am excited to be your school counselor! Throughout your middle school career, I will be working with you every step of the way to maximize your educational, emotional and social experiences, both in school and beyond. I will help to ensure a smooth transition from grade to grade and school to school by providing integral information and planning based on individual student need. I will also support new students in order to help orient them with the practices and procedures at AMS. I will work with students both individually, and in groups to provide students with the supports which they need. The AMS School Counseling Department conducts groups on an as-needed basis in certain areas, for example, self-esteem, peer relationships, changing family, new students and bereavement. Referrals may also be made based on need, to our school Student Assistance Counselor and Social Emotional Counselors.

I lead students through the standardized testing process, and gather data with respect to each student's achievement, levels, abilities, aptitude and/or career interests. I work closely with students, parents and teachers, to interpret information presented through student achievement, interests, future goals and realistic needs, to navigate the best possible path to a successful future. Career, high school and vocational information is available to students with based on their current grade level and educational goals.

I work closely with all specialized personnel in the school and the community in order to meet the educational and social needs of the students they serve. Services of outside agencies can recommended to parents when appropriate. Parents are encouraged to contact their child's counselor whenever they deem it necessary.


Homeless Hotline - #211

Disaster Mental Health Hotline - 877-294-HELP

New Jersey Mental Health Hotline