This site contains all of the different celebrations and events Lynn Crest Elementary School runs throughout the year. 

Each page contains a different event, artifacts from that event, and some resources used. 

School Equity Team

Matthew Connelly - Principal

Kelsey Tonery - Chair

Michelle Williams - Assistant Chair

MaryJean Carson

Jennifer Cuthbertson

Brittany Jackow

Christine Pinto

Sarah Taylor

Jennifer Woods

Diversity Council Meetings

Diversity Council Meetings are held the 30 minutes prior to monthly PTO meetings in the all purpose room on the following Thursdays:

September 28th

October 12th

November 2nd

January 11th

February 8th

March 14th

April 18th

May 9th

Questions, Comments, & Concerns

The Woodbridge Township School District is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Use this form to share questions, comments, or concerns relative to issues of DEI at a District location. This form may be submitted anonymously. You do NOT need to be signed in to Google to submit. However, please make sure to include your name and email address if you would like to be directly contacted about the matter. Please follow the link below to the form: