At JFK Memorial High School our DEI mission is to educate our students and staff on the cultural differences and similarities of  underrepresented groups of students in our School District, while showcasing and celebrating these differences in an  environment of inclusion, support and respect. 

School Equity Team

Dr. James Parry, Principal

Mrs. Suzana Zeitz, Vice Principal

Mrs. Valeria Alvarez, Chair

Mrs. Mamta Puri, Co-Chair

Mrs. Tracy Blauvelt

Ms. Laurentee Bernard

Mr. Arthur Davis

Mrs. Jessica Gloster

Mrs. Lisa Kenny

Mr. Ricardo Viteri

Diversity Council

Dr. James Parry, Principal

Mrs. Suzana Zeitz, Vice Principal

Mrs. Valeria Alvarez, Chair

Mrs. Mamta Puri, Co-Chair

Mrs. Tracy Blauvelt

Ms. Laurentee Bernard

Mr. Arthur Davis

Mrs. Jessica Gloster

Mrs. Lisa Kenny

Mr. Ricardo Viteri

Mrs. Aldina Branco, Parent

Mrs. Sylvaria Oyinkolade , Parent

Mrs. Jennifer Timinski, Parent

2023-2024 Celebrations of Diversity

2023-24 Council Meetings:  

Fall Semester: Sept. 13th; Oct. 19th; 

Nov. 15th; Dec. 14th; Jan. 17th

*All meetings are held at JFK High School and are subject to change*

Please check back for updates

The Woodbridge Township School District is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Use this form to share questions, comments, or concerns relative to issues of DEI at a District location. This form may be submitted anonymously. You do NOT need to be signed in to Google to submit. However, please make sure to include your name and email address if you would like to be directly contacted about the matter. Please complete the form below.