General Rules

Listed below are the general rules that you should be aware of and are to be followed while taking physical education.

1. You must be in the locker room by the time the bell rings. Lates will be written up on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th time. The 5th time results in a loss of credit.

2. After your second absence, or any suspension (ACS/OSS) check the calendar for make up work. The ACS teacher has a copy of the make-up calendar, and on all P.E. teachers’ E-boards.

3. You must remain in the locker room until the lights are flashed. If you are in the gym without teacher supervision you will be written up. You may not leave the locker room without permission for any reason.

4. You may not use the vending machine, No food or drink in the gym.

5. No cell phones, ipods, or headphones on the gym floor. They will be confiscated on first offense.

6. Hanging on the rim or net will not be tolerated. You will be written up.

7. Horse play of any kind will not be tolerated. You will be written up.

8. You are not allowed to use the team room during the school day. Keep your clothes in your gym locker. The team room is locked at 7:50 every morning.