Classroom Expectations

How to "Art" at FMS

Welcome to

Ms. Delloiacono's Art Class

“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.”

-Bob Ross

Our main goal in this class is to work together to foster our abilities to think outside the box, focus on expressing YOUR individual thoughts, and further develop your fine motor skills.

We are here to create. That is our number one goal: creation. Creating in a safe, distraction-free environment.


-a sharpened pencil

In class, we will use,

-coloring supplies such as markers, colored pencils, watercolors, pastel, etc.





Everyday, we will start with 10 minute warm up sketch. I will give you a topic each day, set a timer and, using your pencil, you will create a sketch to go with the topic. For the next 5 minutes, we will have a quick critique and review of what was drawn and how your ideas developed.

Next, we will move into our projects. Projects will consist of multiple days of work and should be fully developed from sketch to final touches. Each class we will discuss/review our objectives for the current artwork we are creating.

When projects are finished, you will need to complete a written critique on Google classroom.


-Bring a pencil to class consistently

-Be prepared. You should have all of your supplies ready to use.

-Be understanding and opening to other people's concepts and ideas

-Be involved. Offer thoughts. Participate.

-Respect each other and their work.

-Put your name on your work.

-Work safely and carefully.

-Craftsmenship is important, but the time into your work.

-Keep a clean workspace and re-organize when you are finished.


Artistic Integrity is defined as the ability to omit an acceptable level of opposing, disrupting, and corrupting values that would otherwise alter an artist's ...original vision in a manner that violates their own ...standards and personal values. This basically means sticking to your own vision/idea/concept. Everybody's thought process is unique. The most IMPORTANT thing you can do as an artist and student is to find your own path. Sometimes your path may cross over somebody else's (like when two people have the same idea), but your way of completing it will be different.

With that said, Google is your frienemy. It's a great place to get started, to research, to formulate ideas, but you don't want to copy directly off of it. Follow your own path.

As well, please do not Google and submit copied images. That's plagiarism and will earn you a failing grade.