Welcome to the Science Lab of Mr. Blackmore

Welcome to our science lab. We will be making every effort to bring you the fun filled, thrilling experience of science that has been a tradition of the Warrior Experience. For the 8th graders: Astronomy, Energy, Rocks/Minerals, and Plate Tectonics will be but a few of the topics that we will cover together.  For the 6th graders: chemistry,  the water cycle, the atmosphere, sound and light will provide a number of fun experiments! Thinking like a scientist means being a scientist! That is what makes this class different! You are your own leader. Guided by the classroom and life experiences  of  Mr. Blackmore, we will make middle school science a most memorable experience!

We will make an attempt to complete as many labs, group activities and demonstrations as possible. There may be some experiments you make choose to opt out, however you are always responsible for the content learned that day. I will do my best to provide two experiments a week, after we go through our safety checks of course! You are responsible to check google classroom daily. Expect regular homework, online quizzes, follow up questions to classroom labs.  Class time is laboratory time, so plenty of time for activities  daily. During class time we will,  watch  short videos as a group, make observations, write down our observations, run experiments, and always draw conclusions by submitting our findings.  After class there will be a chance for you to submit your findings, you should always feel comfortable placing a  comment on recent assignments if you have questions or if you have observations to share with the class!  Any questions or concerns can also be submitted on the google classroom, private comments link or email @ john.blackmore@woodbridge.k12.nj.us

Each day I will take attendance.  For the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of each class is not the time to attend the hallways. Bathroom privileges, locker use, should not occur during this transition time period.  Class begins with a review of previous day homework.  We always begin with opening our google classroom activates for the day.  A demonstration or experiment is part of our daily activities. We will review the procedure then participate in the activity for the day. Follow up is essential. There will always be follow up questions to the activities. These will be graded for accuracy. Important to follow up on activities.  General grades follow a 5% scale.  Students will see consistency in grading procedures and grades will be updated and reviewed regularly. Late work up to 5 school days will be reduced by 10%. After 5 school days, late assignments will not be accepted.  Bonus work will be added throughout the school year. The laboratories are fun! The follow up questions are essential! Let's make this the best science experience yet! 

Most of our class time deals with activities. Students will respond to short video clips, students will develop scientific experiments, students will participate in demonstrations. Books available on the desktops, books available on line at "Pearson interactive science".  Google classroom will be our daily google classroom. 

33% Test and Presentations

32% Laboratory activities

10% Homework

15% quizzes

10% participation 

(A mark of 65 or higher shall constitute a passing mark.)

All of our experiments help draw connections to the world around us!