Important Information

Please check my Google Classroom  for all  assignments and meeting times.

How to sign into Google Classroom:     

Remember to join our class on ClassTag.

For school events, visit Avenel Street School Events.

Specials Schedule:

Gym Teacher: Mr. Andersen

                      Art Teacher: Mr. Morrissey

                   Music Teacher: Mr. Wasco

Below is a suggested supply list to help you prepare your child for the beginning of First Grade. It is a good idea to label all supplies with your child's name in permanent marker.

Bolded Items* you may want to buy in a larger quantity, since the children typically go through them more often.

*School starts each morning at 8:45 and ends at 3:30.

*First grade students will be dismissed through door 5 (cafeteria) on the playground.

*READ everyday

Donations of tissues, wet wipes, Lysol wipes, paper towels, etc. are not necessary but they're GREATLY appreciated!