-In eighth grade, we will begin by studying the Earth to explore how natural forces shape our environment, help forecast potential disasters, understand how it can provide clues to the past, and how to access resources as well as use them wisely. 

-We will then investigate the structure and origin of the universe including the stars, planets, galaxies, and black holes that reside in it before making our way to the different laws of the universe to understand how everything works at its most basic level and affects our lives.

-Incorporation of technology provides students with the opportunity to virtually explore scientific models and simulations that demonstrate what happens over time and/or with changing conditions. Students can easily access real-time data as well as current events, in order to apply what they are learning to the world they live in.

-This year's class is not reinforcing facts that can be easily found on the internet, it is guiding the exploration of the world around us and how it works. I hope this class fosters an appreciation of our planet and its natural beauty while helping you to develop the necessary skills that will serve as building blocks to continue on your future path.