Our Curriculum

WTSD Mission Statement: Our mission is to develop, through a technology infused curriculum, life-long learners who are responsible citizens prepared to make positive contributions to the global society. We are committed to engaging all members of the community in the process of providing a learning environment that fosters interdependence, embraces change and values diversity.

The Sixth Grade Interactive Science Program is based on the “Understanding by Design” instructional model, essential differentiated instructional strategies, and is fully aligned with the 5E learning cycle. Students will investigate aspects of Science and Technology, Chemistry, Sound and Light, and Water and the Atmosphere. Laboratory investigations require students to collect, organize, and evaluate data so that they can draw conclusions and report their findings. ( WTSD Middle School Program of Studies)

Whether you love learning about science or merely tolerate it, I hope you find something which absolutely amazes and astounds you this year. It is through science we discover more about the world around us and how it works.