Summer Reading and Math Challenges

Scholastic Summer Reading

May 6-September 6


The Scholastic Read-a-Palooza Summer Reading Challenge is a free program designed to be both educational and fun to help prevent the effects of the summer slide—the learning losses that can occur during the summer months.

Over the course of 18 weeks, kids can enter their summer reading minutes online, unlocking digital rewards as they complete weekly reading challenges; and access book excerpts, videos, and other summer-exclusive content.

Kids Earn a Free Book:

Barnes & Noble’s Summer Reading Program is back to give young readers the opportunity to earn a free book by following these three easy steps:

1. Read any eight books this summer and record them in your Summer Reading Journal (download here in either English or Español). Tell us which part of the book is your favorite, and why.

2. Bring your completed journal to a Barnes & Noble store between August 1st and August 31st, 2019. Click here to find a Store.

3. Choose your FREE reading adventure from the book list featured in the journal.

Everyone agrees that summer reading is important for kids – and we want to make it a bit more fun! Our Summer Reading Program encourages reading and also helps children learn about saving money.

Kids in grades K-5 can participate by following these easy steps:

Read 10 books this summer

Print out the Summer Reading Form

Write down the names of the books read on the form

Take the form to the nearest TD Bank

Receive $10 in a new or existing TD Simple Savings account

Locations in Vineland and Mays Landing as well as PA.

1. Choose any four books from the Summer Reading Adventure section in-store or online.

2. Write about the books you've read in your Summer Reading Adventure Journal.

3. Show your completed journal to a store associate to receive your FREE Diary of a Wimpy Kid drawstring backpack.

Chuck E. Cheese has a summer reading program where kids can earn free 10 Chuck E. Cheese tokens for reading each day for 2 weeks. This summer reading program goes on all year.

Reading Calendar

Our mission is simple: to make math a fun part of kids’ everyday lives, as beloved as the bedtime story. One way we do that is with our free apps for preschoolers and elementary school kids.

Bedtime Math

A fun way to keep math skills sharp over the summer is by joining the Summer Math Challenge, a FREE math-skills program designed for students who have just completed first through eighth grade. The Summer Math Challenge can help your child retain math skills learned during the school year and keep them on the path towards college and careers.

How It Works-For six weeks in the summer, parents receive daily emails with fun activities and links to educational resources. When the program ends, parents can print an award certificate to celebrate their child’s summer math accomplishment!

Quantile Math

Have fun with math this summer and avoid the summer slide.

dreambox Learning