LVMS Weather Station

Welcome to the LVMS Weather Station

Our Davis VantageVUE weather station was purchased with a generous donation from the Long Valley Middle School PTA Teacher Grant Program and is mounted on the roof of the school.

Our weather data is updated approximately every 15 minutes on this website and in the Davis WeatherLink app.  Check back for current conditions and future forecasts.

Photograph of the LVMS VantageVUE Weather Station

Current Local Conditions

WTS Kindergarten Weather Data Collection

WTS Kindergarten Weather Data

Access ongoing data collection, including monthly temperature and weather type bar graphs, as well as seasonal temperature pie charts, by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the sheet.

Data Collection and Analysis in Google Sheets

Utilizing the LVMS Weather Station as a resource, district's kindergarten students actively engage in tracking and analyzing weather data as an integral part of their daily classroom routines. This hands-on experience involves outdoor observations, regular checks of the LVMS weather station, and recording of their findings. This collaborative approach to data collection not only fosters a deeper understanding of weather but also instills a sense of teamwork as different kindergarten classes from across the district come together to participate in this endeavor.

Through this immersive journey into weather tracking in Google Sheets, our kindergartners not only cultivate essential data literacy skills but also learn the value of collaboration, observation, and analysis. This hands-on approach to learning resonates beyond the confines of the classroom, preparing our students to become informed participants in the world around them.

Davis Weather App

You can download the Davis WeatherLink app below, create your own account, then select the LVMS Weather Station when prompted.  You will then be able to access weather information from our LVMS weather Station on your mobile device.