Continuity of Learning

Click on a button below to view documents or slide decks. Documents and slide decks are created by School Support Services.

Information from NYSED

The information below are summaries and key points from information released by NYSED

One page overview of the Continuity of Learning published by the New York State Department of Education with useful tips for leadership & teachers should consider when planning.

Summary and Key Points from April 7 guidance from SED including information on Regents exams, graduation, course credits and more.

Curriculum & Instruction for Remote Instruction

An extensive list of non-technology & technology based tools for a variety of purposes to support remote teaching & learning.

Guidance for districts and schools to compress curriculum to be delivered to remote learning. Includes templates to support teachers in planning.

A resource creating by the BOCES of New York with guidance for using video conferencing for instruction and meetings, along with helpful tools and tips.

Suggestions for creating video lessons and planning for instructional activities using common classroom protocols that have been adapted for remote learning.

A three step process with guiding questions to be used to support teachers in moving forward in the curriculum during remote instruction.

A simple template with guiding questions to capture content & standards being delivered during remote instruction and what is not.

Grading for Remote Instruction