Data Privacy & Security 

This site is designed to provide parents & families with information and processes related to student data privacy and security in accordance with New York State Education Law 2D.    This includes the Fort Edward UFSD Data Privacy and Security Policy, the Parent's Bill of Rights, Data Privacy Complaint Process and links to vendor contracts and assurances regarding the responsible use of your student's information.   

Data Protection Officer

Benjamin Halsey,  Superintendent     (518) 747-4594 x3100 

Data Privacy and Security Policy 

In January 2020, the NYSED Board of Regents adopted Part 121 of the Commissioner's Regulations for the Strengthening of Data Privacy & Security in NYS Educational Agencies to Protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) pursuant to Education Law sections 2-d, 101, 207, and 305.  The Board of Education policy was adopted on March 9, 2020.

The Fort Edward UFSD policy details specific privacy protections that ensure:

Fort Edward UFSD BOE Policy # 5676: Privacy & Security for Student Data, Teacher Data & Principal Data 

Parent's Bill of Rights

The purpose of the Parents’ Bill of Rights is to provide information to parents, legal guardians, those in parental relation to students and eligible students (age 18 and older) about certain legal requirements that protect personally identifiable (PII) information pursuant to state and federal laws.    

Fort Edward UFSD Bill of Rights for Data Privacy & Security  

Third Party Vendor Contracts

Fort Ann UFSD may utilize vendors through paid contracted services and/or free services activated through individual user Terms of Service (click wrap) agreements for one or more technology services in the provision of its educational services. These include software, mobile or web applications, and/or web-based services. 

For information about vendors that collect, process, store, or analyze personally identifiable student data or teacher/principal evaluation data within the district's programs & services:

Technology Vendors' Privacy Policy & Supplemental Agreements 

Inventory of Student Data Collected by the New York State Education Department 

As required by New York State Education law Section 2-d,  NYSED publishes a list of the data elements that it collects from NYS school districts and the purpose of the data collection. 

NYSED Inventory List of Student Data Collected

Complaint Procedures for Unauthorized Data Disclosure / Data Breach 

Parents, legal guardians, eligible students (students who are at least 18 years of age or attending a post-secondary institution at any age), principals, teachers, and employees of an educational agency may file a complaint about a possible data breach or improper disclosure of student data and/or protected teacher or principal data. 

Additional Information & Resources: 

For information about Federal Laws that protect Student Data (FERPA, PPRA, COPPA): 

For information about NYS Education Department's Data Privacy & Security Resources 

For information about WSWHE BOCES Data Privacy & Security Resources

Family/Parent Resources to learn more about how to protect your child's data: