What We've Been Up To


Starting in 2022-23, Jabberwocky has been committed to delivering the best sonnets nationally (self-attributed). Pay four dollars for a custom sonnet under friendship, rival, or even romantic interest in which you can fill in the blanks to cater to your subject! And to those saying "Isn't that like singing valentines?" you're going to have to speak up, we can't quite hear you over our kazoos. 

PSPA Student Journalism Competition

Last year, Editors-in-Chief Leah Gonzalez-Diaz and Nuala McHugh attended the Pennsylvania Student Press Association's yearly competition and travelled to Penn State to compete as finalists! This year, we are hoping to invite more members of Jabberwocky to attend.

Bake Sales!

As a club that aims to publish two magazines a year, we need funding! To provide that funding, we bake (extraordinarily well). Stay tuned for Jabberwocky bake sales and bake sale sign-ups on the Google Classroom.