Rules, Policies, & Incentives

Class Rule:

BE KIND-Do the right thing.

I have only one rule in my classroom; BE KIND-Do the right thing! This encompasses everything! I hope by modeling kindness and hard-work in my classroom, my students will model kindness to others on the outside! :)


Please review the PBIS for 4th grade! I will review this with my students and send a copy home for parents to sign the first week of school.


Fun Friday Recess:

  • A bonus recess will be given each week. Students will not participate if they received 3 violations within the quarter. The class can lose time off of Fun Friday for misbehavior or missing work.

Snack Time:

  • Each day after specials we have a “Working Snack Time”. Students are allowed to bring a HEALTHY snack to school to keep at their desk. PLEASE READ ALLERGY INFORMATION FOR OUR CLASS THAT WAS SENT HOME THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!! As we begin our work on Language Arts, students are allowed to enjoy this snack. (Students do not have to bring a snack. The teacher will not provide snacks for the students).


  • How do you earn them?

Students are rewarded with tickets. Each day the student agenda will be checked for a parent signature and homework will be collected first thing in the morning. The students receive 1 ticket for having their agenda signed. Students can also earn tickets for appropriate behavior like walking quietly in the hallway, being helpful to another student, receiving a compliment from another teacher, etc. Students will be able to use these tickets to buy classroom coupons, and also be entered into drawings for other fun prizes!

  • Can they be taken away?

Students can lose these tickets as well for various reasons. Examples: Talking, excessive restroom/drink breaks, sharpening pencils during instruction, etc.

Good News Parties:

  • Students with fewer than 9 violations can attend. This party is a privilege for students who have followed the rules. If a student has 9 or more violations, or has been assigned a lunch detention, ALC time, or suspended, he/she remain in the classroom during the Good News Party.

AR Reward Party:

  • Students who have earned their point goal and comprehension goal will be invited to the Accelerated Reader reward party! This is a party in the classroom. Students who do not earn the party will be sent to a different location to read and get a head-start on their next goal.


  • Students can work as a team to earn a class compliment. Compliments can come from any adult except for me. When the class gets a compliment, pom-poms are placed in our compliment jar. When the jar is full, students will be rewarded.

Star Students

  • This is a school-wide incentive. If a student is "caught" following the "4 Bs" (Be Safe, Be Caring, Be Respectful, Be Responsible) they can receive a Star Student. They will then be entered into a monthly drawing for prizes OR Student of the Month!