5-Steps during a school closure

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5 Ways to stay healthy, organized and positive during a school closure

  1. Develop a Daily Schedule

Work on creating a schedule together that breaks up the day for different activities. Learning time is just as important as family time, play time and down time. When you have worked on creating a schedule, write it out and keep it posted so that everyone can see. An example of a family schedule is below, as well as a video on keeping kids engaged.

2. Stay Active!

It is important to everyone's health that time is made for family physical activity. Indoors or outdoors, there's room to stay healthy together.

3. Practice peace of mind

What better time than now to to practice as a family the benefits of meditation and mindfulness. It is important that families take time to observe, be fully present and aware of their surroundings while remaining calm and not overly reactive.

4. Documentaries and Non-Fiction

While at home during the school closure it is important that students are not just learning but expanding and broadening their horizons, experiences, opinions and perspectives. For books, check out The Free Library of Philadelphia

5. Cleaning and organizing

In order for us to 'flatten the curve' it is so important that we all actively practice social distancing and staying at home as best as we can. Some spring cleaning and organizing will go a long way in keeping everyone happy, healthy and have more time for activities.