Character Theme of the Year

Choose Kindness

Kindness Quote of the Year

“Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world.”

At Thomas Jefferson Middle School we want to "Make Kindness Common Place". Research and experience prove schools that implement systematic and intentional activities to enhance students’ sense of safety and acceptance are better equipped to help students succeed in school and in life. Students deserve a school environment that proactively counters meanness, intolerance, division, violence, and hate. Meanness and hostility are negatively impacting our students and their ability to succeed in school and in life. Kindness is more than just “being nice” – it’s a skill. Like other skills, it can and should be taught, reinforced, and celebrated. Teaching kindness is an effective way to improve school climate, and social emotional learning skills. We will be focusing on the importance, value, and overall wellbeing to being kind through role modeling, teaching, acknowledging kind behavior, and planned activities to practice the skill of being kind.

TJMS Kindness Rock