Ti's AT Site


 I am the Special Education Technology Assistant for Brattleboro Union High School and Brattleboro Area Middle School. I am in my nineteenth year as an educator at BUHS and became interested in technology and assistive technology while working as a para-educator with students with varying disabilities. My goal is to assist teachers and students in finding the most appropriate device and software for student success. 

 I live with my husband, My Daughter, her husband, my three grandsons, one Saint Bernard\Great Pyrenees cross, one English Cocker Spaniel, one Black Labrador Retriever;  Three cats, a chinchilla, a bearded dragon, and two goldfish in the mountains of Southern Vermont!

Tammy Mace (Ti)

email address : tmace@wsesdvt.org

phone: 802-451-3433 

This site is a continual work in progress. Please be patient as I add to it. Thanks!