Ms LEvesque's Classroom Page

Weekly Agendas for World Cultures and Geography Below

I am so glad you are here!

Here I am modeling a way-to-small knit hat!

My name is Ms Levesque and I teach Social Studies at Brattleboro Union High School. I have taught here for 18 years! I teach World Cultures and Geography, U.S. and the World 1, and Holocaust and Genocide Studies. I love to knit and have knit hats, blankets, socks, and sweaters for my many nieces and nephews. One thing I love about teaching in Brattleboro is the support of the community and the curiosity of the students. 

Week 11 Agenda WC&G
Week 10 Agenda WC&G
Week 9 Agenda WC&G
Week 8 Agenda WC&G
Week 7 Agenda WC&G
Week 6 Agenda WC&G
Week 5 Agenda WC&G
Week 4 Agenda WC&G
Week 3 Agenda WC&G
Week 2 Agenda WC&G
Week 1 Agenda WC&G
WC&G Syllabus 2022/2023




About me

I love social studies, I love maps, I love knitting. We will talk about all of these things in class. In colder weather I try to wear something I have knit everyday- see if you can tell which is the hand knit item everyday! I have taught social studies for 16 years and I have taught online for 5 years. I was also an online student just 6 years ago. I love online teaching and learning, but I am so glad to be back in the classroom this year! Let's stay safe and healthy!