Mr. Bassett's Website

Welcome to my website! I'm so excited you've made it to this great resource. I hope you can access everything you need to know, but if not please email me at

About me

My name is Will Bassett and this is my third year at BUHS. Before Brattleboro, I taught in Keene for 4 years. I have been curious about history my entire life, and from a very young age knew I wanted to be a social studies teacher. The main reason I wanted to be a teacher was to work with young adults and share my love for history.

My email above is the best way to get in touch with me, but you can also call me at the school. I'm always at school early, so that is the best time to get in touch with me by phone. My extension at the school is 3489, but you can also just call the school and ask for Mr. Bassett.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from all of you soon.

Mr. Bassett