About Us

WSESU/WSESD Office of Diversity, Equity and Social Justice

District Equity Goals

Vision: Create an affirming learning and teaching environment based on equity and justice to ensure

academic and social growth in our community.


  • Create and maintain a climate that is inclusive and welcoming to all people.

  • Create a climate to promote justice through thoughtful risk taking and making connections with others, while maintaining the ongoing work of supporting groups that have been historically marginalized.

  • Evaluate systems to assure that they are just and equitable.


  • Create a climate for active questioning, critical thinking and addressing bias in ourselves and each other.

  • Staff, Faculty, Students, Administration have the space and time to confront their own bias, as a community practice.


  • Moving toward integrating social justice education in our classrooms, media, interactions and instruction.

  • Social Justice education is a fundamental tenet of our learning, teaching and all aspects of school life.