Our Schedule

A day in the life...

Afternoon schedule

12:15 pm Opening Circle

12:30 pm - 1:35 am Learning Opportunities

Project; Cycles of Learning; Capstone Work Time

1:35 pm - 1:40pm Break

1:40 am - 2:00 pm Mandatory Fun Time (MFT)

2:00pm - 2:55 pm Learning Opportunities

Project; Cycles of Learning; Capstone Work Time

2:55pm - 3:00pm Closing & Dismissal

What happens during...

January Term

"Outdoor learning can have huge benefits on student mental health and academic performance. Students are often calmer and better able to focus when learning in nature, and teachers have reported better behavior and social interactions with fewer disciplinary issues." ~ Andrew Bauld, Harvard Graduate School of Education Blog Post August 18, 2021