Katie Johnson, M.S., CCC-SLP

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Contact Information

Work Email: katherinejohnson@wsdr4.org

Phone: 314-703-2499

Work Phone: 636-561-5757

Hey there! My name is Miss Katie, and I am a speech-language pathologist (SLP for short) currently thriving in the early childhood setting. In my career, I have had the pleasure of helping children and adults from ages 3 to 65 increase their skills in multiple areas of communication development, including:

  • Articulation

  • Receptive language

  • Expressive language

  • Fluency

  • Cognition

  • Social skills

  • Reading comprehension

  • Accent modification

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

My job is to help all of my students engage in effective, meaningful communication with their friends, family, and ultimately anyone with whom they would like to interact. From sharing their basic wants and needs to immersing themselves in deep conversation, I am here to support them throughout their journey. To learn more, feel free to explore this website!

About Private Therapy

I am currently available to see students for private therapy services.

Private therapy sessions occur one-on-one in the home and are up to an hour in length. Private therapy can be a wonderful option for individuals and families who want additional support from a speech and language professional at home. For more information about pricing or to schedule a consultation, please feel free to reach out to me via email!