

  • Practice multiplication and division facts!

  • Practice counting money with coins. When counting mixed groups of coins, use the “sort, order, count, pull down” strategy. Use pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Practice counting by 5’s, 10’s and 25’s.

  • Find something you have a lot of at home (could be lego bricks, beads, etc.). Count up to 120 of that item. Split them in groups of 10, 5, etc.


  • Read for 30+ minutes per day

  • There are many ways to read at home. Your child can read not only books, but articles, websites, blogs, and magazines.

  • Comprehension activities can include:

    • For Fiction: Describe what you learned about the character. How does the character’s feelings change throughout the book? Why? What lesson did the character learn in the book? How do you know?

    • For Information Texts: What do you wonder about this topic? What did you learn about the topic? What is an important/key word from this text? Can you describe what it means?

Online Reading Resources:

Library Resources:

Reading Tips For Parents:


  • Having your student pick out and have a journal where they can write whatever they would like (how their day was, what they did, setting goals, writing stories, etc.) can help motivate students to write!

  • Write a story explaining how to cook/make something. Be sure to catch your reader’s attention, state your topic, explain in exact steps, and give helpful tips. Take it the extra step and record yourself teaching your “how-to” (like in a cooking show or Youtube video)

  • Write a book review about a favorite book that you have read. Be sure to catch your reader’s attention, state your opinion, give a sneak peek of the book (don’t spill the beans, though!), give reasons why you like it, and end your story by restating your opinion.

  • Write a story about something that happened to you or something you have done (small moment). Be sure to tell your story part by part, describing where you were, who you were with, how you felt, etc.

  • Write a book that teaches about a topic you know a lot about. Be sure to teach important details, key words and give examples. Draw pictures that also teach about your topic.