The Counseling Department at Holt High School seeks to provide services that recognize and value the academic, social, and emotional well being of each of our students.  Please let us know how we can help.

2223 Holt Bell Schedule.docx
BMF School Flyer STL- STUDENT COPY.pdf 2024.pdf
ACT Dates-2023-24.pdf
FAQ-Seniors 2024 Fall.pdf
WSD Parent Events 2022-2023 Final.pdf
Resource Slide 23-24.docx

You can click to the left to obtain a work permit,  or your child may stop by the Student Center for a hard copy.

Instructions are as follows:

Complete the top section,  remember parent signature.

The middle section is completed by the employer, encourage your child to take this form with him/her when interviewing for jobs.

Holt 2023 Profile FINAL.pdf