APPtitude with iPads

Apps in the Classroom

Apps come in all shapes and sizes and cater to all different ability levels. This year, I challenge you to find and use apps that allow the student more to just play a game or answer a question....but allow them to create answers, use their creativity, and go more in-depth with their learning.

Also, it is a good idea to try the apps out yourself. This is beneficial for many reasons, with the most important being that if you are familiar with it, you are more likely to have the students use it and can better help them if needed. YouTube is an amazing resource to help you learn how to use apps in different ways. There are some insanely creative people out there and learning from them is a great place to start!

Some Suggested Apps: (to make qr codes and have your kids go to websites)

Doodle Buddy


Making 10

Popplet Lite





Toontastic 3D


Scratch Jr