Membership Information
Membership Count: 17
State Affiliation Deadline: February 1st
Membership Cost: $15
Membership Campaign
Sandridge FCCLA is a new chapter that just started this year. It is really important that we get enough members to start our chapter off well. We use, and plan to use FCCLA's Membership Campaign, Go For The Red and the three R's of Membership: Recruit, Retain, and Recognize.
The first step in Go For The Red is recruit. Recruit is very important for membership, as it is how a chapter obtains members. At the beginning of the year, the advisers, Mrs. Haacke and Ms. Banks talked about it in their FCS classes. There was also an FCCLA Chapter Meeting discussing FCCLA and its benefits and importance to the community. Sandridge FCCLA will continue to recruit by inviting members to bring other non-member students to Chapter meetings.
Retain in Go For The Red refers to keeping members active and continually going to meetings and events. Sandridge FCCLA can and will do this by keeping members up to date. One of the many ways this can be done is putting it on the school announcements. Retaining members are also being done by providing fun and informative Chapter events and encouraging members to do competitive events.
Sandridge FCCLA plans to recognize members by holding a chapter meeting during spring dedicated recognizing and giving out awards to chapter members.
Go For The Red Individual Award
Go for the Red's Individual Award is dedicated to recognizing members who have recruited students into FCCLA. Any member who has recruited three or more members is eligible for Go For The Red. A Go For The Red T-shirt will be given to those who apply.