Roy High


Unified Basketball Tournament

Roy High had the honor of hosting the Unified Sports Basketball Tournament, featuring teams from Roy, Bonneville, Fremont, Weber, West Field, and Canyon View. A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this event incredible, including the Special Education department, our Athletic Directors, student government, Royalaires, cheerleaders, basketball teams, CTE staff, and other students and adults who pulled together for this incredible event.


Congratulations to all Roy High students who represented us well at the STEM Fair. A special shout out to Nicole Aguayo Bernal, who qualified to present at the International Science and Engineering Fair, the world's largest international STEM research competition for high school students!

State Wrestling Placers

Our wrestling teams had a great showing in the 5A State Wrestling match, including two boys who made it all the way to the finals. Congratulations to all our wrestlers, with a special shoutout to those who made the podium.

Space Princess Wars

Our Theater Department put on a fantastic winter show, Space Princess Wars, a hillarious sci-fi comedy. Congratulations to the cast and crew on a phenomenal production.

Region Debate

Our Debate Team had incredible success at the Region 5 Tournament! Every single member qualified for State, and a huge shout out goes to Victor Chaston, who placed 2nd in Foreign Extemporaneous, and Dea Lindstrom, who placed 3rd in Impromptu. They are led by our amazing Courtney Bergman - way to represent Roy High with pride!

Sterling Scholar

Five out of eleven of our Sterling Scholar nominees were selected for the Semi-Final interviews! This group of Sterling Scholars had impressive portfolios with many outstanding achievements.They are an amazing, smart and talented group of students, including the students who were not chosen to move on. The competition is tough in the Wasatch Front area so it is understandable that each year some of our students won't make it to the interview round, but we are happy that so many did!

2024-25 Sterling Scholars (*Semi-Finalist)

Athletics and Activities Updates

We want to send a HUGE SHOUT-OUT and CONGRATULATE the following Royal Teams/Individuals on their HUGE accomplishments:

Royal Winter Sports Academic All-Region Recipients

Royal Girls Wrestling 5A State Divisional Placers

Royal Boys Wrestling 5A State Divisional Placers

Royal Drill Team 5A State Drill Finals Placing

RHS Debate National Qualifier Tournament

RHS Region 5 Swim Championship Meet Placers


Test Prep

In preparation for the ACT and Aspire+ tests coming up in March, we have kicked off our school wide initiative to focus on testing. Students participate in lessons dedicated to test-taking strategies, answer questions of the day, jump into activities during lunch, and complete other activities for the opportunity to earn rewards, win prizes, and most importantly, approach standardized testing with more confidence.

Test Prep (1).pdf

Reflections Nominees

A huge congratulations to these talented students for their incredible accomplishments:

Excellence Awards

Honorable Mentions & Merit Awards:

We are so proud of these students for sharing their creativity and representing Roy High with excellence!

5A State Cheer Jump Off Champion

Congratulations to Roy Cheerleader Ambree Duran for scoring 1st place Overall at the Jump-Off portion of the 5A State Cheer Championship.

Athletics and Activities Updates

We want to send a HUGE SHOUT-OUT and CONGRATULATE the following Royal Teams/Individuals on their HUGE accomplishments:

RHS Royalaires Bountiful Drill Invitational Results!

RHS Wrestling Team- Beehive 25 Tournament Placers!

RHS Wrestling Team- Braveheart Duals Tournament Placers! 

RHS Cheer Northern Divisional Results!

RHS Royalaires Royal Classic Solo Results!

RHS Boys Wrestling Team- Rockwell Rumble Placer!

RHS Wrestling Team- Redhawk Rumble Tournament Placers! 

RHS Royalaires Region 5 Drill Championship Results!


Sub for Santa

Roy High has been abuzz with holiday spirit in our annual Sub for Santa Community Fundraiser. We have been holding concerts, running auctions, putting on a cookout, and having many other activities throughout the month to raise money to support students and their families in our community who find themselves in need this holiday season.

Esports Winter Festival

Roy had a great time participating in our District Esports competition at WIC. The event featured competitions for Super Smash Brothers, League of Legends, and Mario Kart, as well as our first ever Capture the Flag Competition where students competed to solve questions about game development, programming, and cybersecurity to try and earn the highest scores. Stetson Stanger from Roy High took 3rd place out of 27 participants in the Capture The Flag competition, and we had a very strong showing in the 69 participant Super Smash Brothers event where Roy students took not only 1st place, but also 2nd and 3rd! Spencer Jones, Jakob Zimmer, and Bowen Prusse did an excellent job representing our school, and we are looking forward to next semester when we will participate in the Utah UHSAA Pilot season to see how well we do in the state!

FBLA Region

FBLA had a great time at their Region competition yesterday.  Here's how we did:

1st Place: Public Speaking, Yllka Islami.

3rd Place: Intro to Event Planning, Yllka Islami, Luke Leishman, Dea Lindstrom

4th Place: Impromptu Speaking, Makeila Valquinto

5th Place: Financial Math, Yllka Islami

5th Place: Client Service, Makeila Valquinto

5th Place: Hospitality & Event Management, Dea Lindstrom, Aaron Yardley

Mr. Football

Roy High's Robert Young was named the 2024 Deseret News "Mr. Football" for his outstanding performance in a variety of positions on offense, defense, and special teams. 

Athletics and Activities Updates

We want to send a HUGE SHOUT-OUT and CONGRATULATE the following Royal Teams/Individuals on their HUGE accomplishments:

RHS Speech & Debate Caesar Cicero Tournament

-Victor Chaston- 2nd Place in Foreign Extemp

RHS Cheer Team Winter Classic Winner

-Ambree Duran- 1st Place in Jump Off

RHS Girls Soccer All-Area Team Recognitions

-Eva Reed- 3rd Team

-Taylor Delgado- Honorable Mention

-Aylen Salazar- Honorable Mention

RHS Girls Soccer All-Region 5 Team Recognition

-Eva Reed- Honorable Mention

RHS Football College Early Signing

-Colby Frokjer- Montana State University Bobcats

RHS Royalaires- Premier Drill Classic Team Results

-Military- 1st Place

-Dance- 2nd Place

-Show- 4th Place

-Overall- 3rd Place

RHS Wrestling LIT Tournament Placers

-Kaleb Blackner- 1st Place & Undefeated

-Ken Starr- 3rd Place

-Carter Rudolph- 7th Place

UHSAA Gold Star Coach Award

-Coach Craig Charlesworth- RHS Boys Soccer

RHS Cheer Team Region 5 Championship Placing

-2nd Place in Show

RHS Swim Team City/County Championship Placers

-Indi Neild- 2nd Place in 100 Individual Medley and 5th Place in 100 Breaststroke

-Kodge Petersen- 5th Place in 200 Individual Medley

-Ben Yamashita- 6th Place in 100 Breaststroke

RHS Girls Volleyball All-Area Team Recognition

-Sarah Morgan- Honorable Mention

RHS Royalaires- Excalibur Drill Classic Results

-Team Show- 4th Place

-Elley Cottrell- 2nd Place in Jazz, 3rd Place in Contemporary, and 3rd Place in Lyrical

-Ava Garcia- 3rd Place in Lyrical

RHS Girls Wrestling Silverwolf Tournament Placers

-RHS Team- 10th Place Overall

-Abbie Colvin- 4th Place

-Caity Davis- 4th Place

-Kadence Price- 5th Place

-Kaia Quintana- 6th Place

RHS Boys Wrestling Jody Warren Duals Tournament Placers

-RHS Team- 3rd Place Overall

-Kaden Herrera- 1st Place and UNDEFEATED

-Carter Rudolph- 1st Place and UNDEFEATED

RHS Football All-Region 5 Team Recognitions

-Robert Young- Overall MVP

-Jaxton Scoffield- Defensive MVP

-Colby Frokjer- Special Teams MVP

-Cade Draper- Offensive Lineman MVP

-Logan Cella- 1st Team

-Dru Gardner- 1st Team

-Zay Morris- 1st Team

-Wesley Barker- 1st Team

-Alfie Hurtado- 1st Team

-Beau Brown- 1st Team

-Kili Eleneke- 1st Team 

-Justus Flores- 1st Team

-Hunter Webb- 1st Team

-Kasch Casero- 2nd Team

-Rhett Slater- 2nd Team

-Carsten Engberg- 2nd Team

-Ange Ahui- 2nd Team

-Ryan Foss- 2nd Team

-Moni Keiaho- 2nd Team

-Isaac Araiza- 2nd Team

-Ryker Cordero- 2nd Team

-Sam Smith- 2nd Team

-Riley Boudreau- Honorable Mention

-Hank Mullen- Honorable Mention

-Coy Tuckett- Honorable Mention


State Runner-Up

Our football team defeated the defending state champion Timpview squad in the Semifinals to reach the 5A State Championship game. This rematch against Region 5 rival Bountiful went down to the wire, with the Redhawks ultimately escaping with the victory. A hearty congratulations to our team and their coaching staff, and a huge shoutout to our Royal community for showing up in a big way.

Roy High Friendsgiving

Our Be Well Committee put on a Thanksgiving-themed connection activity for the entire faculty and staff to celebrate our camaraderie with and gratitude for our fellow Royals. A great event that was enjoyed by all!

Auto Tech Team Takes 2nd

On Friday November 1st, the Roy High auto tech team competed at Weber State against schools inside and outside the state of Utah. They took 2nd overall and one student, Levi Mayes, took first overall in the competition. This gives the auto team a chance to compete in the championship round at Weber State in February. Congrats to the team and to Levi Mayes, Kayla Hunter, and Kodge Peterson for advancing to the next round of competition!

Roy "Wows" in Art Show

Roy High art students took the top two spots in the Wonders of Weber district art competition, with Serena Burge earning "Best of Show" and Reese Hill getting first place. Jade Pyper's artwork was also purchased by a visitor. Congratulations to these and our other amazing artists! 

Band Geeks

Our Performing Arts Department put on a fantastic show this month, a fun, new musical called "Band Geeks" about learning to embrace and accept who you are. The cast and crew did a phenomenal job, and many of our own band students were featured as the live accompaniment for the show!


Back-to-Back Region Champs

Congratulations to the Roy High football team for a fantastic run in the regular season and finishing as Region 5 Champions. Best of luck to them as they enter the playoffs as the Number 1 Seed in 5A.

Cross Country Going to State

Our Cross Country team had an excellent showing at the Divisional Qualifier. The Varsity Boys (Lincoln Bell, Brayden Calvin, Haven Gee, Henrik Hulbert, Zack Jackson, Eli Pebley, and Ben Verhall) qualified as a team for the State Race, and Alivia Funk and Ruby Noorda claimed two of the six individual at-large spots at state. Good luck as they run their final race of the season.

Academic All-State Honorees

Congratualtions to the following Royal Student Atheletes on being recognized for their work on the field/court and in the classroom.

Smoke Off

Students in our ProStart program competed in CTE's 5th Annual "Smoke Off," and Roy High brought home the prestigious Best Protein award.

The Round Table - Issue 1

Our student newspaper, The Round Table, has completed their first issue for publication. Check out the articles and photos in this weeks edition

The Round Table 24-25 Issue 1.pdf

FBLA/DECA Takes 3rd

FBLA/DECA had a great time at the Aggie Invitational Oct. 29. We had Yllka Islami, Dea Lindstrom, and Luke Leishman win 3rd Place in the International Business event.  

Academic All-Region Honors Recipients

Congratualtions to the following Royal Student Atheletes on being recognized for their work on the field/court and in the classroom.


Follow Roy High on Binderly

Want to stay in the loop for all things Roy High? Check us out on Binderly! You can see annoucements of upcoming events and check out our social feed to see real time updates of all the awesome things going on here at Roy High. Go to or download the app to get started.

Robert Young - KSL Player of the Week

Robert Young was named's Football Player of the Week after a helping Roy to a 48-34 victory over in-district rival Weber in the annual "Shield Game", making sure the shield stays here at Roy High where it belongs.

Floriculture Floral Arrangements

Our amazing floral classes and FFA students made their first arrangement of the year! They were back to school themed floral arrangements and the students did a great job! Our students and FFA officers also went above and beyond by delivering some of these arrangements to the public offices in Roy, including the city offices, police station, fire station, and all the schools in the Roy Cone. This was a great service project and we are very proud of the students. Way to go Royal FFA! 

Former Royal announced to Weber State Hall of Fame

Royal Softball Alumni and Pitching legend MaCauley Flint headlines Weber State's 2024 Hall of Fame! Please check out Flint's Standard-Examiner full article online at- 

Club Rush Week Carnival

Our clubs and student organizations put on a carnival for students and the community to come celebrate the amazing opportunities students can participate in here at Roy High.

Homecoming Week

We have had fun celebrating past and present Royals this week as our Student Government organized a fantastic spread of activities across the week to celebrate Homecoming, including a movie night, chalk decorating, assembly, parade, and bonfire in addition to the football game and dance.  Congratulations to all our nominees for Homecoming Royalty.

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